Adds 'remove-default-hotbar' config, Polymer resource pack merge supports.
BetterHud 1.8
- Merge with other resource pack #47
- Attribute API in Bukkit to supports 1.21.3.
- Stable version for Fabric 1.21.3 is released.
- Optimizes resource pack zip.
- 'parties_is_leader' placeholder is added.
- Command now uses BetterCommand library.
- Add lang folder (like en_US.json)
- CI is changed to split each platform.
Make your own lang
- step 1. Join your server.
- step 2. Command /hud gen to create your language file.
- step 3. Edit BetterHud/lang/your_language.json file.
- step 4. if you want, you can contribute BetterHud to upload this lang file in my Discord or PR in GitHub.
Edits CI.
Adds 'parties_is_leader' placeholder.
Bug fixes.
Adds en_US.json
Fixes build.
1.21.3 supports for Fabric.
- 1.21.3 supports.
- Bug fixes.
- Compass location data will saved.
- A layout option 'opacity' is added.(0 to 1)
- Now compass can use custom icon.
- "fancy" head render type added.
- Some experimental effect is added.(property)
- A layout option 'render-scale' is added.(Compare to primary scale, primary scale is json scale of texture, render-scale is shader scale. you can use both of that.)
- LuckPerms and TextPlaceholderAPI supports(fabric)
Prevents bossbar line problem on login.
Adds bossbar-resource-pack-line.
Fixes BetterHealthBar compatibility issue.
Some issues fixed.
Supports location save.
Edits maven-publish.