BetterHud 1.9
- Now support about 1.17, 1.17.1 and 1.18.1 is dropped.
- BetterHud and my other plugin does NOT support a closed or obfuscated source mod/plugin/modified-client such as ItemsAdder, Optifine and Feather.
Resource pack merge
- If your server has Polymer, BetterHud's resource pack will automatically be merged. (Fabric)
- If your server has Oraxen, BetterHud's resource pack will automatically be merged. (Bukkit)
- Please set 'pack-type' in config.yml to 'none' if you want to use Polymer or Oraxen.
- If your server uses Polymer, you have to use '/polymer generate-pack' instead of '/hud reload'.
- If your server uses Oraxen, you have to use '/oraxen reload all' instead of '/hud reload'.
Text layout
name: unifont
pattern: Minecraft is a 3D sandbox adventure game developed by Mojang Studios where players can interact with a fully customizable three-dimensional world made of blocks and entities. Its diverse gameplay options allow players to choose the way they play, creating countless possibilities.
align: center
line-align: left
scale: 0.5
line: 5
split-width: 300
y: 32
name: unifont
pattern: |
<image:star> Background test <image:star>
<image:star> Background test2 3 34 23423 <image:star>
background: test
align: center
line-align: center
scale: 0.5
line: 5
split-width: 300
y: 32
- Add 'line' to use multiple line text.
- Add 'line-width' to define the y location of each line.
- Add 'split-width' to define max length of each line.
- Add 'line-align' to sort each line.
- BetterHud uses '\n' to split text line.
Placeholder (Bukkit)
These placeholders are added:
- has_main_hand
- has_off_hand
- entity_health_percentage
- entity_vehicle_health_percentage
Placeholder (Fabric)
These placeholders are added:
- has_main_hand
- has_off_hand
Placeholder (MythicMobs)
These placeholders are added:
- mythicmobs_aura_duration_reversed:arg
- mythicmobs_entity_current_cooldown:arg
- mythicmobs_entity_aura_stack:arg
- mythicmobs_entity_aura_max_duration:arg
- mythicmobs_entity_aura_duration:arg
- mythicmobs_entity_aura_duration_reversed:arg
- mythicmobs_entity_has_aura:arg
- Fix inappropriate text space.
- Fix self-host to stop when switch to other pack type.
- Fix command load problem.
- Fix inappropriate compass location.
- Fix no mysql connector library found in Fabric and Velocity.
- Improve compass movement.
- Add 'remove-default-hotbar' to disable vanilla hotbar.
- Add 'pack-type: none' to use other resource pack extension.
- Now BetterHud uses BetterCommand 1.2.
- Clean jar file to use runtime library injector.
These languages are included:
- ja_JP
- vi_VN
- zh_CH
- zh_TW
Clean build jar.
Improve compass movement.
Command load problem fix.
Compass bug fix.
Supports Oraxen 2.0.
Supports resource pack auto-merge with Oraxen.