- Stand Power inventory (Y key by default) now shows you names, descriptions, controls, and icons of ALL of your skills! This is complete for both Star Platinum, and The World, including mouse moves, and even passives like The World's air tanks.
- Updated Spanish and Polish language files, added Chinese (thank you! ^^) We have lots of work to do as far as translations go with all the skills in this update! I appreciate the continued support!
- Opening the power inventory now summons your stand, this creates a really cool fade in effect in the inventory itself (check it out!)
- Fixed statue leg clipping bug
- Stand Power inventory now renders your stand while it is active
- Added new item, Glass Visage. It can be used to hide your armor so your skin is fully visible, and it can also be used to mute the voice lines of stands. It can be equipped in the appearance/sound slots of the Power inventory, and is only obtainable in creative mode for now.
- Only Stand Users can hear stand cries and summon sfx
- Added Italian translation, updated the French and various Spanish translations, thanks to community ^^
- Made Vexes not spawn naturally with stands (they can still be worthy)
- Fixed bug where stand arrows were enchantable
- Fixed gasoline bucket stack bug
- Fixed final punch putting impale on cooldown
- Minor Star Finger nerfs/adjustments
- Fixed Match Bundle advancement recipe issue
- Added new ability to Star Platinum, Guardian Grab. Trigger by getting hit by an arrow, a splash potion, or a thrown object from any direction while using Star Platinum's scope ability. Your stand catches the item and queues it for throwing. Has a 10 second CD in between catches.
- Phase grab now interacts with levers, doors, buttons, fence gates, and trapdoors
- New gamerule, roundaboutStandRedstoneInterference, which disables the above featue in case map making reasons
- Fixed animals being accidentally blacklisted from grabbing
- Added AI for the rest of Star Platinum and The World's combat moves, not every mob uses every move, it depends the mob and the context. Mobs also smartly fall brace.
- Fixed scope and forward barrage input issues
- Fixed Phase Grab animation being slower than intended
- Fixed forge only bug where chat obscures The World's oxygen tanks
- Fixed Inhale server kick underwater - Hydraheads
- You can now scope while pulling a bow
- You no longer see bobbing while walking and scoping
- Star Finger alligns with texture better
- Added Turkish, Polish, and Malaysian translations, updated French translation
- Added gamerules: -- roundaboutStandGriefing. If you turn this off, block throw now works peacefully as it does in adventure mode.
- -roundaboutMobGrabbing. If you turn this off, you can't grab entities with SP/TW.
- -roundaboutSpawnWorthyMobs. If you turn this off, worthy mobs don't spawn naturally.
- -roundaboutSpawnStandUserMobs. If you turn this off, stand user mobs don't spawn naturally.
- Added new optional unbound keybind that allows you to switch normal and sneak ability rows
- Fixed adventure mode block throw not making block breaking noises upon hitting blocks
- Star Platinum creepers only use inhale
- Ported all modded recipes to vanilla recipe book
- Added more Oras and Mudas
- Fixed The Wither attacking creative mode stand users, and its other two heads still attacking stands
- Fixed grab retract and throwing animations not playing
- Renamed unused/empty textures, optifine was apparently scanning the texture folder and replacing stand skins with them
- Spectator mode players can now always see stands
- Fixed phase grab visually not reducing stack size of item entities on the ground, despite working functionally
- Fixed grabbing frost walker ice, and the weird ramifications of that
- Crossbows no longer lower when stand is out
- Fixed pets fighting each other
- Fixed luck template typo making it unobtainable
- You can pick up animals regardless of HP
- Phantoms with stands tp in air
- Fixed bug where SP's scope eyes render when standless
- Added animation for phase grab
- Added Multiple language files thanks to the community (Brazil Portuguese, Multiple Spanish options, Russian, French)
- Added vanilla recipe book unlocks for meteorite ingots and stand arrows
- Switching stands now only takes 5 seconds if you have no moves on cooldown
- Fixed being able to summon stand with action keys while on stand switching cooldown
- Fixed forward barrage clashing on self
- Fixed clientside transparency issues
- Fixed stands taking more damage than players
- Fixed weird inhale inputs
- Fixed water buckets on gasoline splatter bug
- Fixed Icon Overlap with Star Platinum
- Fixed scoping icon dulling while sneaking
- Fixed phase grab destroying item stacks
- Reduced sound canceling bugs
- Added new ability to Star Platinum and The World, Phase Grab. Based on the scene where Jotaro grabs items through prison bars, this move lets you grab items from up to 15 blocks away, queuing them up to throw/pocket. You can phase your stand through slabs, iron bars, doors, and other select blocks. The stand appears see-through while it's phasing. This move will get more visuals/sfx and functionality overtime.
- Added stand opacity interpolation, "what is this?", it means the stand fades in and out smoother! Also, when you first get a stand, other stands around you no longer abruptly pop in.
- Inhale move no longer cancels in the water, and now affects players properly in theory.
- Fixed slimes hurting in TS
- Fixed several server/mod conflict issues
- Added new move to Star Platinum, Super Inhale. It sucks in items and experience orbs super well from up to 8 blocks away. It also slightly pulls other entities in your direction. When Justice is added, it will eventually be able to make the user suffocate, but for now it's mostly a utility type of move.
- Pressing an ability key with stand desummoned now summons your stand with no summon sfx and does the ability immediately, eventually there will be a toggle for this
- Fixed several Forward barrage hitbox problems, and improved its game feel
- Fixed star finger detection and crash
- Fixed villager on villager violence
- Fixed stereo issue (forge only problem)
- Fixed Star Platinum hands having model issues with some animations
- fixed desummon cooldown not ticking during timestop
- Added new move to Star Platinum and the World, based on Jotaro and Dio's final attacks against each other, Final Punch and Final Kick -- Triggers by holding sneak+click for a variable time, the longer you charger the stronger it is when you release -- Star Platinum's is better at knockback and shield breaking, The World's is slightly stronger damage
- Added new variation to barrage for SP and TW, the Forward Barrage, it allows them to detach from you and slowly float forward while barraging -- Triggers by pressing Z while barraging or kick barraging, The World's maintains its full power and 10 block max range, Star Platinum's is reduced
- Scope now gives star Platinum's model glowing eyes
- Scope now has adjusted mouse sensitivity the further out it is, and hides Star Platinum as well as your hands
- Fixed harpoon related crash (forge only)
- Added proper desummon logic, fixing bugs related to desumoning your stand
- Fixed stand arow durability throwing bug
- Fixed offhand key item cooldown bug
- Finally got around to adding Star Platinum's time stop factor: while fully charged, it can reach the damage cap of timestop faster, hit particles indicate this effect
- Added new move to Star Platinum, Star Finger! It extends up to 8 blocks out, and then retracts.
- You can now load Stand Arrows to crossbows
- Star Platinum now has the kick barrage ability as well
- Meteor spawn rate increased
- Fixed Wither targeting your stand
- Fixed crash when worthiness arrows hit players
- Underwater mobs now TP within the water, and fish stand user ai fixed
- You can now throw bricks at peoples' window with stand throw in survival/creative
- Fixed the server crashing issue
- Fixed wolf/terrier (and polar bear) movement ai getting stopped while stand users
- Stand attacks now make your wolves/terriers attack your target
- Fixed oxygen tank rendering in creative (forge only bug)
- Meteors slightly more common
- Breeding odds for non-villager worthy mobs is slightly less sky-high