- fixed 0.4.8 bug where right clicking always made you punch
- fixed 0.4.8 bug where you could no longer do a charged punch/kick
- fixed 0.4.8 bug where Justice could no longer mine
- fixed bug where justice pilot mode put everyone's camera in your Justice in multiplayer
- Added new move to Justice, Justice Control Mode. In this mode, you control justice itself, and see the world from its eyes. Justice can fly around freely, and is completely intangible. This move is unfinished, and it will be used in tandem with resurrected corpses as a sort of top down control mode in the future. For now, it is used to scout out far away things easily.
- Added new functional emote, Torture Dance. Currently, the three working emotes are Torture Dance, Giorno/Requiem, and Oh No!
- Fixed fog chain bug on players (on servers specifically only)
- Increased fog chain pull strength slightly
- Improved the look of fog
- Fixed bug where zombie morph decreases reputation with attacking villagers
- Justice's default idle position no longer has hands in view (to mitigate the flickering issue)
- Added sliders for size, y offset, and rotation to the Power Inventory for popular demand.
- Added new config file, client config, that contains strictly clientside settings. You can use it to change the amount of particles from justice (if you're using embedium use this, that mod strangely multiplies the particles spawned by justice)
- This config has a setting to make time stop freeze your screen as very very very frequently requested. It freezes most visuals and all audio. This includes block updates, projectile rendering, armor and item changes, movement, etc. It excludes some model updates like sneaking or zombie arm swings. Because the option is in the client config, you can opt in/out of it and admins/pack devs can't force the setting on you beyond setting a default.
- Possibly fixed or mitigated obscure sound stacking bug
- Skeletons are now far less likely to shoot through fog blocks
- Added a new command to set specific experience point amounts
- Added foggy cobblestone and foggy mossy cobblestone
- When stands are completely see through with opacity settings, they stop rendering altogether
- Justice fog items very quickly dissapear on the ground, and immediately in the inventory of non-justice and non-creative players. They also emit some particles on the ground as they briefly exist.
- Fog disguises/morphs dissapear in spectator
- Fixed bug where if you die or relog at high enough stand levels with high enough development (exp), you lose some of the development
- Fixed time stop not stopping the raid bar
- Fixed unreported bug where you could interact with fog coating while dog was inactive
- Fixed black and purple particle bug with fog coating
- Fixed coating flickering at a distance
- Added a new move to Justice, Illusion Blocks. Foggy blocks appear when the fog is active and disappear when it is deactivated. They go away if you break them in while the fog is active or build over them when it isn't. -- Sneak + X opens an inventory full of every foggy block in the game, and you can take limitless amounts as if you were in creative mode (pick block for 64, etc) -- Foggy blocks have no collision, so they are "fake", but they trick mobs into thinking they are real. -- Foggy blocks come in two variants at the moment, normal and coating. Normal act as regular blocks, while coatings are a very thin layer that can be placed over the faces of blocks. There will be slabs, stairs, etc and many more block types eventually. They will roll in overtime with updates.
(Hopefully this will be the last critical bug fix popping up that forces me to push an update early)
- Fixed another critical crash, when you have other mods installed that make certain roundabout entity classes load load prematurely, making servers not work again. Servers also crash with creative mode roundabout npcs summoned, that was fixed as well.
- Experimenting with fog blocks (given with commands only atm) that only appear when justice fog is active
- Fixed both forge and fabric versions always crashing servers when a player connects to them
- Added new move to Justice, Fog Chains. When the fog is active, bleeding mobs are tossed in the direction of the block you are looking at. Just like the anime, using scissors is a very effective way of opening wounds for justice to enter.
- Bleeding mobs emit fog particles while the fog is cast over an area to signify their ability to be tossed around.
- Fixed blood particles glowing in the dark, they now adhere to light level
- Fixed both forge and fabric versions always crashing servers when a player connects to them
- Added new move to Justice, Fog Chains. When the fog is active, bleeding mobs are tossed in the direction of the block you are looking at. Just like the anime, using scissors is a very effective way of opening wounds for justice to enter.
- Bleeding mobs emit fog particles while the fog is cast over an area to signify their ability to be tossed around.
- Fixed blood particles glowing in the dark, they now adhere to light level
Fixed game crashing when loading piglins because piglins use the player model
- The mod is now compatible with bettercombat, as in the sword swings no longer ignore stands
- Added many new config options as seen below! (You may need to reenter some of them because some were sorted into a category or rearranged for ease of reading, apologies)
- Config for TS hovering
- Config for needing stands to see ghost mobs (vexes, allays, and ghasts)
- Added new clock particles to indicate warden TS movement (on top of the sculk ones that already spawn), and an actionbar text appears that says "It did not stop?!" in red for those who believe it to be a bug
- Config for warden moving in TS (on by default)
- Config to make Stand Leap and Dash not share a cooldown
- Config for disabling all blood (effect and puddles)
- Config to change time stop damage cap on players
- Config for max amount of knives you can hit someone with at once
- Config for enabling left click / sword attacks while stand is out
- Config for time stop charge rate
- Config for creative mode having infinite ts, and creative mode refreshing cooldowns instantly or not
- Config for impulse TS length
- Config for guard points multiplier (so a stand guard can take more hits if your pack has stronger mobs)
- Added config for mobs to literally stop time on you instead of seemingly teleporting (not recommended)
- Config for gasoline explosion damage multiplier
- Further buffed match bundle triggered gas explosion slightly in general
- Made Star Finger's hitbox more generous
- Stand user villagers target zombie shifted justice users
- Justice illusion morphs now sit properly
- We have begun working on porting the emotes to the actual player model, so they render armor and items properly, atm only oh no and giorno are ported but the others will come
(Minor hotfix and config fix update, regenerate your config if you want the fixed values)
- Fixed default barrage windup and cooldown being absurdly long, they were not meant to be changed at all
- Fixed Star Platinum's impulse timestop incorrectly displaying 5 seconds as its duration visually and playing the wrong time resume sound
- Made leveling take a bit longer by default, and added a config option to increase or decrease leveling speed
- Added a config file, which syncs between client and server properly. -- You can adjust all of the relevant cooldowns in the game finely -- You can adjust all of the damage multipliers finely -- You can disable leveling -- You can enable seeing stands without a stand -- You can now increase/decrease the length of Time Stops -- Disable breathing during timestop like in canon, if breath runs out TS ends -- You can now remove all delay between stand blocking -- You can adjust barrage windup length -- Terrier spawn rates on fabric (forge requires datapacks) -- You can change exp cost for rolling/rerolling stands
- Fixed forge server crash
- Added new item, Executioner's Axe, it will be used to collect corpses for justice. Currently, it deals as much damage as a netherite axe but with much less attack speed, and the upgrade template is an iron axe upgrade dropped from the sky upon clearing raids.
- AOE barrage is now on by default, and a config option rather than a gamerule, but its damage and KB are further reduced