- Fixed Sky and Fog inlined colormap texture names for dimension effects not being correct.
- Improved error handling, preventing to load with a missing colormap texture.
- BlockState model offset is now in pixel coordinates instead of block coordinates.
- Added Dimension Effects, allowing to tweak things like fog color, sky color, cloud level and more of each dimension
- color.properties will now accept badly formatted colors having trailing whitespaces
- failed color.properties lines will now be ignored, throwing an error
- fixed biome effects not working with embeddium and not at all on forge
- Added Dimension Effects, allowing to tweak things like fog color, sky color, cloud level and more of each dimension
- color.properties will now accept badly formatted colors having trailing whitespaces
- failed color.properties lines will now be ignored, throwing an error
- fixed biome effects not working with embeddium and not at all on forge
- added yoffset, xoffset and zoffset parameter to variant blockstate models
- Added Dimension Effects, allowing to tweak things like fog color, sky color, cloud level and more of each dimension
- color.properties will now accept badly formatted colors having trailing whitespaces
- failed color.properties lines will now be ignored, throwing an error
- fixed biome effects not working with embeddium and not at all on forge
improved redstone particle color handling in the colors.json file
added a "force_tint_hack" parameter to block properties modifier. Not recommended. it basically auto applies a tintindex = 1 to all quads of the block that the modifier is attached to
fixed "grid" format being called "biome_id", the name of its sampler
added more stuff for compat with darn of