colormaps x and y getters expressions now support the TIME and RAIN expression parameters
fixed biome sample colormap type requiring a blockstate making it not work on particle providers fixed non biome blend colormap that use biome not working
- fixed particle emitters crash
- block modifiers can set the block occlusion properties and break particle emissions with "can_occlude" and "spawn_particles_on_break" properties
- polytone will now search for a "force_tint" line in OF colormaps. If there and set to false it will NOT force all target blocks to have tint index of 0
- fixed colormaps loading after custom particle types, making them not usable there
- biome modifiers can change fog on a per weather basis
- added RAIN parameter to block emitters particle expressions
- animated textures can now support game_time. Season stuff??
- custom particle types can now use colormaps
- biome modifiers can change fog on a per weather basis
- added RAIN prameter to block emitters particle expressions
- fixed an issue with colormap samplers having some floating point rounding errors
- added weather dependant animated textures
- Added a biomes filter to particle emitters
- Biome modifiers can now alter fog shape
- un "fixed" code for legacy grid colormap parsing that was aparently shifted. Old code was correct.
- Apologies for the version spam but this is important as people would complain otherwise
- Added a biomes filter to particle emitters
- Biome modifiers can now alter fog shape