- When detecting a new sound event to be played (for example changing biomes),
fades out current music, then fades in next music.
- The fade duration is configurable. Setting it to 0 removes this behavior
- If the current sound event and the next one are both empty, don't change music (if playing dimension on fallback or a misc event for example)
- If the next sound event contains current music, don't change music
- Creative music on fallback is added in the pool of music, even when dimension events are also on fallback. This fixes creative music never been played on this case.
Music can't play in biomes with zeroed volume (Pale Garden).
In these biomes, a message is displayed when trying to play music
- Add missing biome sound event (deep_lukewarm_ocean)
- Add missing music disc event translation
Fix night music not triggered
- Add dimension event chance, replacing dimension fallback config
- Use proper modded biome naming
- Remove music duplicates in list of playable music
- Fix potential crash (#54)
- Fix built-in resource packs not copying mod icon
- Fix compatibility issue with Wilder Wild (#50), and maybe some others
- Properly save events contained in events
- Add a panel to configure events of events
- Add end biomes events
- Add nether dimension event
- Add misc events, such as rain and thunder
- Add misc events config to choose the chance to play them
- Buttons scroll the text if it's too long on hover
- Add button scroll speed config
- Text filter takes into account formatting, such as "Biome:"
- Add tooltip to the text filter
- Add filter operator config and set AND as default
- Remove identifier character and add inverter character
- Improve events formatting
- GUI improvements to avoid confusion, such as instant list update
- Overall refactor of configs
- Remove volume up to 200% config, as it's not supported anymore in Minecraft options
- Replace game fallback with per dimension fallbacks
- Keep discs in history when playing all/disc categories (#56)
- Port to 1.20.4
- Refine Chinese & Japanese translations
- Pause only music sounds when pressing pause key
- Add an option to not pause music when opening game menu
- When pressing pause key while no music is playing, pause music player to not be able to play music when in pause
- When pressing previous music key while no music is playing, replay last played music instead of the one before
- Add an option to be able to play biome-specific music in creative
- Fix biome-specific music not playing for new biome events when playing on a server
- Music display tweaks
- Fix crash when playing a music
- Add a new panel in the config panel menu that displays instead of the current one when no built-in resource pack was enabled. It allows resource pack creation or enabling.
Older version: do not match current mod description!
- Update to 1.20.2
- Biome names are fetched from minecraft lang file
- Improve event formatting with prefixes (eg. "Biome: ", "Disc: ")
- Improve category formatting with translated names
- Add japanese translation
- Fixed music name typo ("Subwoofer Lullaby")
- Fixed crash caused by badly registered music
- Update to 1.20.1
- Increased text length on text fields for filtering
- Update to 1.19.4
- Filter music/event by identifiers (translated by default). Some flags can be added to enhance searching.
- <str1> <str2> will search for ids having strings <str1> or <str2> etc.
- /and <str1> <str2> will search for ids having strings <str1> and <str2> etc.
- @<str> will search for ids that contains <str> in their namespace (useful for datapacks)
- #<str> will search for ids that contains <str> in their path
- $<str> will search for raw ids instead of translated ids (<raw> = <namespace>:<path>)
- !<str> will search for ids having string <str> case-sensitive.
- Change description when no music is playing
- Added possibility to print remaining time before next music
- Fixed GUI panels warnings
- Fixed music being overridden, causing no music in the end
- Remove option panel and moved save button to config panel
- Added random music delay option
- If Off, delay between music is fixed to your configuration X
- If On, it is random between [X / 2 ; X]
- Added option to not fallback on default game music. If you want creepy biomes without music, you now can.