Improved resource pack to prevent the unsupported version warning from appearing on 1.20.2+
Added support for:
- Advent Of Ascension
- Journey Into the Light
- RandomOre
- DarkBlades
Added support for:
- Eternal Starlight
- Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks
- Modern Industrialization
Fixed an issue with old versions of emissive mods not supporting emissive items, which caused the ore part of textures to be transparent when displayed in UI's. (Also fixes other cases of this issue)
Added support for:
- Ad Astra
- All The Modium
- All The Ores
- Applied Energistics 2
- Ars Nouveau
- Bigger Reactors
- Blue Skies
- Deep Resonance
- Draconic Evolution
- Elemental Craft
- EvilCraft
- Extreme Reactors 2
- Immersive Engineering
- Mana and Artifice
- Mystical Agradditions
- Mystical Agriculture
- Mythic Botany
- Occultism
- Phosphophyllite
- Powah
- Project Red
- RailCraft Reborn
- RF Tools Base
- Silent Gear
- Stargate Journey
- The Aether
- The UnderGarden
- Thermal Foundation
- Theurgy
- Tinkers Construct
- Voidscape
- ZYCraft
Improved support for:
- Oh The Biomes You'll Go
Changed some copper textures to the modern vanilla alternative if the mod used a basic one
Added Support for "Quark"
Changed Logo to a new and improved one
Added support for
- Cobblemon
- End Ores
- Skay's Overworld Netherite Ore
- Skay's Overworld Quartz Ore
Added support for "Mythic Metals", "Mythic Upgrades" and "Nature's Spirit"
Merged the additions file into the main file, so if you don't like certain textures being emissive you'll have to manually delete them.
Added support for "More Metals II", "Mekanism" and "Create: The Factory Must Grow"
Main File:
Improved compatibility
Added emissive ores for Galosphere, [Let's Do] Meadow, Oh The Biomes You'll Go, Paradise Lost, Pure Ores, Create
- Vanilla
- BetterEnd
- BetterNether
- Create
- Deeper and Darker
- Galosphere
- [Let's Do] Meadow
- Oh The Biomes You'll Go
- Paradise Lost
- Universal Ores
- Pure Ores
Additions File:
Improved compatibility
Added emissive ores for Oh The Biomes You'll Go, [Let's Do] Meadow
- Vanilla - Coal ores
- Deeper and Darker - Coal ores
- Expanded Delight - Salt ores
- [Let's Do] Meadow - Coal/Salt ores
- Oh The Biomes You'll Go - Anthracite ores
- Universal Ores - Coal ores
Main File:
Shortened resource pack file name
- Vanilla
- Better Nether
- Better End
- Deeper Darker
- Universal Ores
Additions file
- Vanilla - Coal ores
- Deeper Darker - Coal ores
- Universal Ores - Coal ores
- Expanded Delight - Salt ores
Glowing Emissive Ores v1.0.0
on Mar 23, 2024Changes
- Vanilla
- Better Nether
- Better End
- Deeper Darker
- Universal Ores