Minor Update
New mod guis supported:
- axiom
- bewin' n chewin'
- cc: tweaked
- exposure
- extreme sound muffler
- wired redstone
other changes:
- updated hotbar selector for 1.20 to look better
- updated immersive engineering support for 1.20
- updated wired redstones "redstone assembler" and submitted it to the author to be included in the next update
Minor Update
New mod guis supported:
- screenshot viewer
other changes:
- minor jei icon change
- started unifying iconography
- sent a PR to screenshot viewer about adding the new icons to the basemod - credit to Szedann
Minor Update
New mod guis supported:
- create: numismatics
- create: steam 'n' rails
- itemswapper
other changes:
- 1.20 jei bug fixes
- minor fixes to some create guis
Major Update
New versions supported!
1.16 and 1.18
New mod guis supported:
- better advancements
- curios
- diet support (only half of it currently, working on that)
- ftb quests
- ftb library
- ftb teams
- storage drawers
- tinkers (WIP still, some inventories remain, but most are done)
other changes:
- 1.16 create support
- updated some immersive engineering textures
minor update
new mod guis supported:
- Trinkets
other changes:
minor update
new mod guis supported:
- REI (however only the native darkmode now apears as oled, while the lightmode looks normal)
- Simple Discord RPC
other changes:
- both light and darkmode for Inventory Management now have dark textures
minor update
new mod guis supported:
- utility belt
other changes:
- ver 1.20 is now compatible with versions 1.20-1.20.4 as well as the crafter from 1.21 snapshots
- fixed farmers delight compatibility with jei/emi/rei for forge
- fixed farmers respite compatibility with jei/emi/rei for forge and fabric
- overhauled crete compatibility with jei/emi/rei