Class 834
Class 15
Class 72
Class 222
Class 605
C89 Coach
Literaly Everything (Besides Coaches)
Added: The Class 762, The Class 387, The Class 77, The Class 145, The Type 44 Steam Locomotive, The C404 Coach, and the PNR 1930's Standard Coach.
Updated: The Class 51 and the Class 778
Compatable with MTR 4.0.0 Beta 14 and Above
Fixed Many Issues Added Coupling to the 761
Fixed the Class 761
This is it, the Big 4.0.0 Update. New Train: The Class 761
The Labor Day Update!
Reorganised the Trains to be in Numerical Order
ADDED: Class 778, 354, and 156
4.0.0 Support is Here! You can now Run this on 4.0.0 Report any Bugs to the Discord Server Can be found on The Main Page of the Pack. NTE (As a Standalone Mod) Is NOT Compatable with 4.0.0.
ADDED The Class 54 Locomotive The Class 801 EMU The Class 421 & 374 EMU's
CHANGES Class 800 Cab Class 155 End Revamp
Updated the Textures to Include more Details.