Version 0.13.0-beta6
Updated the Fabric API from 0.115.0 to 0.115.1.
These mods got an update and are now 1.21.4 compatible!
- [Re-added] Updated Enhanced Block Entities.
- [Re-added] Updated Keybind Fix Plus.
- [Re-added] Updated Satin Free Wakes.
- [Re-added] Updated Telepistons.
Updated mods
- [Updated] Updated Better Statistics Screen v3.13.6→ v3.13.8.
- [Updated] Updated Blur+ v5.0.2→ v5.1.3.
- [Updated] Updated Chat Heads+ v0.13.8→ v0.13.12.
- [Updated] Updated Chat Patches v214.6.10→ v214.6.11.
- [Updated] Updated Controlling v22.0.2→ v22.0.4.
- [Updated] Updated Debugify v1.0→ v1.1.
- [Updated] Updated Fabric Language Kotlin v1.13.0→ v1.13.1.
- [Updated] Updated Fabrishot v1.14.1→ v1.14.3.
- [Updated] Updated Fzzy Config v0.6.0→ v0.6.4.
- [Updated] Updated ImmediatelyFast v1.3.3→ v1.3.4.
- [Updated] Updated Lithium v0.14.3→ v0.14.7.
- [Updated] Updated Mod Menu v13.0.0→ v13.0.1.
- [Updated] Updated ModernFix v5.20.1→ v5.20.2.
- [Updated] Updated Not Enough Animations v1.9.0→ v1.9.1.
- [Updated] Updated Particle Rain v3.0.7→ v3.0.8.
- [Updated] Updated Polytone v3.2.6→ v3.2.9.
- [Updated] Updated Reese’s Sodium Options v1.8.2→ v1.8.3.
- [Updated] Updated Searchables v1.0.2→ v1.0.3.
- [Updated] Updated Shulker Box Tooltip v5.2.2→ v5.2.3.
- [Updated] Updated Sodium Options API v1.0.9→ v1.0.10.
- [Updated] Updated Text Placeholder API v2.5.1→ v2.5.2.
- [Updated] Updated Wavey Capes v1.4.13→ v1.5.1.
Version 0.13.0-beta5
Updated the Fabric API from 0.114.0 to 0.115.0.
These mods got an update and are now 1.21.4 compatible!
- [Re-added] Updated Fzzy Config v0.5.7 → v0.6.0.
- [Re-added] Updated Subtle Effects v1.6.0 → v1.8.0.
Updated mods
- [Updated] Updated Armor Poser v8.0.0→ v8.0.1.
- [Updated] Updated Balm v21.4.5 → v21.4.6.
- [Updated] Updated C2ME v0.3.1.0 → v0.
- [Updated] Updated Lithostitched v1.3.10 → v1.4.
- [Updated] Updated Mod Menu v13.0.0-beta.1 → v13.0.0.
- [Updated] Updated More Culling v1.2.2 → v1.2.3.
- [Updated] Updated Particle Rain v3.0.6 → v13.0.7.
- [Updated] Updated Polytone v3.2.2 → v3.2.6.
Version 0.13.0-beta4
Finally stable
- [Updated] Updated C2ME v0.3.1+rc.1.0 → v0.3.1.0.
Fixed the weird stuff
Make sure to delete your options.txt or loading the pack yourself when coming from an older version!
- [Updated] Updated Fresh Animations v1.9.2 → v1.9.3.
Better visuals
- [Updated] Updated Particle Interactions v0.4 → v0.5.
- [Updated] Updated Polytone v3.1.6 → v3.2.2.
Version 0.13.0-beta3
These mods got an update and are now 1.21.4 compatible!
- [Re-added] Updated Better Ping Display v1.21.1-1.1.1 → v1.21.4-1.1.1.
- [Re-added] Updated Particular v1.1.1+1.21.1 → v1.1.1+1.21.4.
- [Re-added] Updated Sodium Options API v1.0.8 → v1.0.9.
Updated mods
- [Updated] Updated Entity Texture Features v6.2.9 → v6.2.10.
- [Updated] Updated Polytone v3.1.5 → v3.1.6.
- [Updated] Updated Remove Reloading Screen v5.0.12 → v5.1.0.
- [Updated] Updated Sounds v2.3.0 → v2.3.2.
Version 0.13.0-beta2
Updated the Fabric API from 0.113.0 to 0.114.0.
New and compatible
- [New] Added Forge Config API Port.
- [New] Added View Bobbing Options.
These mods got an update and are now 1.21.4 compatible!
- [Re-added] Updated Remove Reloading Screen v5.0.8 → v22.0.1.
Updated mods
- [Updated] Updated ModernFix v5.20.0 → v5.20.1.
- [Updated] Updated owo-lib v0.12.19 → v21.4.5.
Version 0.13.0-beta1
These mods got an update and are now 1.21.4 compatible!
- [Re-added] Updated Continuity v3.0.0-beta.5 → v22.0.1.
- [Re-added] Updated Fog v1.5.2 → v22.0.1.
- [Re-added] Updated ModernFix v5.19.5 → v22.0.1.
Updated mods
- [Updated] Updated Balm v21.4.3 → v21.4.5.
- [Updated] Updated Controlling v22.0.1 → v22.0.2.
- [Updated] Updated Iris v1.8.4 → v1.8.5.
- [Updated] Updated Polytone v3.1.5 → v1.21.4-3.1.5.
- [Updated] Updated Reese’s Sodium Options v3.1.5 → v1.8.2.
- [Updated] Updated Sodium v0.6.5 → v0.6.6.
Version 0.13.0-alpha5
Updated the Fabric API from 0.112.2 to 0.113.0.
These mods got an update and are now 1.21.4 compatible!
- [Re-added] Updated Controlling v19.0.3 → v22.0.1.
- [Re-added] Updated Explosive Enhancement v1.2.3 → v1.3.0.
- [Re-added] Updated Make Bubbles Pop v0.3.0 → v0.3.1.
- [Re-added] Updated Particle Rain v2.1.4 → v3.0.6.
- [Re-added] Updated Searchables v1.0.2 → v1.0.2.
Updated mods
- [Updated] Updated C2ME v0.3.1+beta2.0 → v0.3.1-rc.1.0.
- [Updated] Updated CICADA v0.9.2 → v0.10.2.
- [Updated] Updated Head In The Clouds v1.1.0 → v1.3.0.
- [Updated] Updated Lithostiched v1.3.9 → v1.3.10.
- [Updated] Updated Not Enough Animations v1.8.2 → v1.9.0.
- [Updated] Updated Polytone v3.1.3 → v3.1.5.
- [Updated] Updated RME’s Durability Tooltips v1.0.0 → v2.0.0.
Version 0.13.0-alpha4
Updated the Fabric API from 0.112.1 to 0.112.2.
Better Tooltips
- [New] Added RME’s Durability Plus.
These mods got an update and are now 1.21.4 compatible!
- [Re-added] Updated Paginated Advancements & Custom Frames v2.5.1 → v2.6.1.
- [Re-added] Updated Polytone v2.5.10 → v3.1.3.
- [Re-added] Updated Entity Model Features v2.4.0 → v3.1.3.
Updated mods
- [Updated] Updated Better Clouds v1.8.3 → v1.8.4.
Version 0.13.0-alpha3
Updated the Fabric API from 0.112.0 to 0.112.1.
Updated mods
- [Updated] Updated Balm v21.4.1 → v21.4.3.
- [Updated] Updated Better Clouds v1.8.2 → v1.8.3.
- [Updated] Updated Bridging Mod v2.5.0 → v2.5.2.
- [Updated] Updated Chat Patches v211.6.9 → v214.6.10.
- [Updated] Updated C2ME v0.3.2+alpha.0.8 → v0.3.1+beta.2.0.
- [Updated] Updated ImmersiveThunder v1.21.1+1.2.2 → v1.21.4+1.2.2.
- [Updated] Updated M.R.U v1.0.6 → v1.0.7.
- [Updated] Updated Sodium v0.6.3 → v0.6.5.
- [Updated] Updated Snow Under Trees v2.5.3 → v2.6.0.
- [Updated] Updated Entity Model Features v2.3.1 → v2.4.0.
Version 0.13.0-alpha2
- [Updated] Updated Better Statistics Screen v3.13.4 → v3.13.5
- [Updated] Updated Debugify v1.21.1+1.0 → v1.21.4+1.0.
- [Updated] Updated M.R.U. v1.0.4 → v1.0.6.
- [Updated] Updated More Culling v1.2.1 → v1.2.2.
- [Updated] Updated Sounds v2.2.0 → v2.3.0.
- [Updated] Updated TCDCommons API v3.12.4 → v2.3.0.
Version 0.13.0-alpha1
In this release
Updated to Minecraft 1.21.4, with Fabric Loader 0.16.19 and Fabric API v0.112.0.
This version is in Alpha as many of the mods intended to be in this pack simply don’t support 1.21.4 yet. Due to this removal this pack currently can also not guarantee OptiFine parity.
For the full changelog check:
Small fix that removes "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie", no other changes.
Important updates!
- [Updated] Updated Fabric API v0.107.0 → v0.109.0
- [Updated] Updated Fabric Loader v0.16.5 → v0.16.9
The small stuff
- [Updated] Updated 3D Skin Layers v1.6.7 → v1.7.2
- [Updated] Updated Better Statistics Screen v3.13.2 → v3.13.3
- [Updated] Updated Better F3 v11.0.2 → v11.0.3
- [Updated] Updated Chat Heads v0.13.3 → v0.13.6
- [Updated] Updated C2ME v0.3.0+alpha.0.294 → v0.3.0+alpha.0.297
- [Updated] Updated ImmediatelyFast v1.3.1 → v1.3.2
- [Updated] Updated Iris Shaders v1.8.0-beta.4 → v1.8.0
- [Updated] Updated ModernFix v5.19.3 → v5.19.5
- [Updated] Updated No Chat Reports v2.9.0 → v2.9.1
- [Updated] Updated Not Enough Animations v1.7.6 → v1.8.1
- [Updated] Updated Sodium v0.6.0-beta4 → v0.6.0
- [Updated] Updated Subtle Effects v1.4.0 → v1.6.0
- [Updated] Updated Wavey Capes v1.4.10 → v1.4.12
- [Updated] Updated ETF v6.2.5 → v6.2.7
Bug fixes and config changes. Once again incompatible with the previous version. Once again this is still a 1.21.1 update, 1.21.3 is not ready yet.
Known issues
Some models of the 3D default pack have transparency issues with More Culling, if you want to get rid of this to trade in performance: go into video settings > more culling, and turn off blockstate culling. This will reduce performance.
Shinier stuff
- [Updated] Updated AppleSkin v3.0.5 → v3.0.6
- [Updated] Updated Particle Interactions v0.3.1 → v0.3.2
- [Updated] Updated Shulker Box Tooltip v5.1.1 → v5.1.2
- [Updated] Updated Subtle Effects v1.3.0 → v1.4.0
- Please delete your subtle effects folder from the config folder!
Better performance once again!
- [Updated] Updated c2me v0.3.0+alpha.0.293 → v0.3.0+alpha.0.294
- [Updated] Updated Dynamic FPS v3.7.4 → v3.7.6
- [Updated] Updated Entity Culling v1.7.0 → v1.7.1
- [Updated] Updated ImmediatelyFast v1.3.0 → v1.3.1
- [Updated] Updated More Culling v1.0.0 → v1.0.1
Updated dependancies
- [Updated] Updated Polytone v2.5.2 → v2.5.4
- [Updated] Updated Sodium Options API v1.0.3 → v1.0.5
Important: this version of the pack is still Minecraft 1.21.1! Quite a lot of mods have not updated to 1.21.2/3 yet.
Some big changes to streamline this pack into the direction I want it to go, as well as updating a bunch of mods.
Good basics
- [New] Added HotbarCycle by nyuppo, default hotkey is
! - [Updated] Updated Sodium v0.6.0-beta.2 → v0.6.0-beta.4
- [Updated] Fixed default Resource Pack order, this means if you already have an
file you should manually fix it or delete theresourcePacks:
lines from your file.
My Cookies
- [New] Added Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded for localised boss sounds!
Removed the following mods as they do not fit the goal of this pack
- [Removed] Removed Limelight
- [Removed] Removed Simple Voice ChatI forgot to actually remove, it will be removed in the next version instead.
Effective changes!
These changes come with extra configuration options, which is why this update isn't a 0.0.1 update. Make sure you delete the config files to load the changes or adjust them to your needs!
- [Updated] Fog v1.4.1 → v1.5.2
- [Updated] Particle Interactions v0.2 → v0.3.1
- [Updated] Lithostitched v1.3.1a → v1.3.4
- [Updated] Subtle Effects v1.1.1 → v1.3.0
- [Updated] Sounds v2.1.0 → v2.2.0
- [Updated] Changed Culling of Leaves to be nicer to the eye.
More performance
- [Updated] BadOptimizations v2.1.4 → v2.2.0
- [Updated] c2me v0.3.0+alpha.0.290 → v0.3.0+alpha.0.293
- [Updated] Dynamic FPS v3.7.3 → v3.7.4
- [Updated] FerriteCore v7.0.0 → v7.0.2
- [Updated] ImmediatelyFast v1.2.21 → v1.3.0
- [Updated] Language Reload v1.6.1 → v1.7.1
Better descriptions
- [Updated] Enchantment Descriptions v21.1.4 → 21.1.5
- [Updated] Chat Heads v0.13.3 → v0.13.4
- [Updated] Cherished Worlds v10.0.2 → v10.1.0
- [Updated] Cubes Without Borders v2.1.1 → v3.0.0
- [Updated] No Chat Reports v2.8.0 → v2.9.0
- [Updated] Simple Voice Chat v2.5.24 → v2.5.25
Updated dependencies
- Architectury API v13.0.6 → v13.0.8
- Bookshelf v21.1.12 → v21.1.13
- CIT Resewn v1.2.1 → v1.2.2
- CICADA v0.8.3 → v0.9.1
- Collective v7.84 → v7.87
- Fabric API v0.106.0 → v0.107.0
- Fzzy Config v0.5.4 → v0.5.6
- M.R.U v1.0.2 → v1.0.4
- Polytone v2.4.22 → v2.5.2
- Prickle v21.1.4 → v21.1.6
- Searchables v1.0.1 → v1.0.2
- YetAnotherConfigLib v3.5.0 → v3.6.1
Minor changes with a single addition to the pack! New limelight mod that allows you to quickly search for things.
Search your heart out
- [New] Added Limelight, a quick command search to quickly change settings or search the minecraft wiki.
A couple of minor adjustments
- [Adjusted] Disabled Bridging Mod in the default config. You can manually enable it by pressing
in game. - [Adjusted] Enabled OptiFine and MinecraftCapes capes by default in the Capes mod.
- [Adjusted] Disabled fog on Distant Horizons’ chunks. Making the transition less jarring.
The world keeps moving
- [Updated] C2ME v0.3.0+alpha.0.222 → v0.3.0+alpha.0.290
- [Updated] Fzzy Config v0.5.2 → v0.5.4
- [Updated] Mod Menu v11.0.2 → v11.0.3
- [Updated] Sodium Dynamic Lights v1.0.8 → v1.0.9
- [Updated] Sodium Options API v1.0.2 → v1.0.3
- [Updated] Subtle Effects v1.0.0 → v1.1.1
Probably final version before the big 1.0! Small adjustments and a couple more mods for an even better Vanilla experience!
Good optimisations!
- [New] Added BadOptimizations as the final optimisations mod!
More music!
- [New] Added The Immersive Music Mod!
- Debated a long time whether or not I'd add this, but I finally decided to do so. Personally really enjoy more location specific music, and this mod does a great job at it!
Resources have been changed
For better compatibility I've changed the resource packs that come with the pack! That does mean that if you are updating from 0.7.0 or below you need to manually add them.
- [Adjusted] Replaced FancyFast Bushy Leaves with Motschen's Better Leaves for better compatibility.
- [New] Added Os' Colorful Leaves to go in tandem with it!
Dependencies updated
- Kotlin v1.12.2+kotlin.2.0.20 → v1.12.3+kotlin.2.0.21
- Polytone v21.0.20 → v2.4.22
A small update to 0.6.0 that adds a couple of mods I frankly thought I had added already. Nothing ground breaking, nothing game breaking either. Also updates!
Show me your effects!
- [New] Added Status Effect Bars for neater status effects!
- [New] Added Show Me Your Skin! so you can show off your pretty skins!
- Tip! If you're planning on making a server: make sure to add this mod in the server too!
Free updates!
- [Updated] C2ME v0.3.0+alpha.0.218 → v0.3.0+alpha.0.222
- [Updated] Enchantment Descriptions v21.1.3 → v21.1.4
- [Updated] Leaves Us In Peace v1.6.0 → v1.6.1
- [Updated] More Culling v1.0.0-beta.2 → v1.0.0
- [Updated] OptiGUI v2.3.0-beta.5 → v2.3.0-beta.6
- [Updated] Polytone v2.4.19 → v2.4.20
- [Updated] Simple Voice Chat v2.5.23 → v2.5.24
- [Removed] Removed Villager Converting
- Why? Because this is server side game behaviour altering that, while I do personally prefer on my server, doesn't fit the purpose of this pack.
Dependencies updated
- Balm v21.0.19 → v21.0.20
- Bookshelf v21.1.7 → v21.1.10
- owo libv0.12.14 → v0.12.15
Second beta release, this release adds some client side features as well as updating a couple of mods. Completely compatible with v0.5.0, however some mods do have a recommended change in config. Read all the changes below!
Adding some flare!
- [New] Added Fresh Skeleton Physics Resource pack! Enjoy seeing the skeletons splat around after killing them!
- [New] Added Subtle Effects
- This addition comes with adjustments for the Particle Interactions and Particular mods! Make sure to update your local configs.
Updated the following mods
- Bridging Mod v2.4.0 → v2.5.0
- C2ME v0.3.0+alpha.0.213 → v0.3.0+alpha.0.218
For Distant Horizons incompatibility
- [Removed] Removed Foggy Border
Improve your Vanilla experience with a comprehensive set of mods and resource packs.
This modpack is based on the set of mods I'd personally always install on every Minecraft world I'd play through. The goal of this pack is not to substantially change the way the game works, but enhance the gameplay that already exists.