- add feature for the ingame Keyboard to press keybinds (VR Settings > HUD&GUI > Keyboard > Keyboard Presses Bindings)
- add option for higher GUI resolution (VR Settings > HUD&GUI > 1440p GUI)
- add option to change the GUI scale in VR (VR Settings > HUD&GUI > VR GUI Scale)
- add option to use max GUI scale for the HUD (VR Settings > HUD&GUI > HUD Max Scale)
- add hotkey to toggle VR: 'right crtl + F7'
- make the Intel error massage more descriptive, and only apply on windows
fixes: 1.18.2:
- fix crash with pointer keyboard
- fix mirror text missing completely
- fix kick on forge when connecting to spigot servers and dying
- fix crash with forge 48.0.32+
- fix roomscale walk up blocks
- fix mirror change text in the menuworld
- fix log spam/crash when minimizing the window
- fix spyglass and 1st person mirror screen block triggering too late
- fix crash when enabling VR while holding a spyglass
- fix missing translations in Steam VR with non english Steam
- fix issue where some mods disable the depth clear for the left eye
- fix issue with owo lib teleporting the player when it renders the player in a gui
- fix scrolling not working with some mods
- fix mouse selection overlays, that ungrab the mouse, like 'irons spells n spellbooks'
- fix overlap of commands and modmenu button, if modmenu is set to replace the 'report bugs' button
- fix mods using the window size to draw stuff, like the text from 'journeymap'
- fix resolution control again, this time for real
- fix controllable moving the use key to the mod section in steamvr
- fix crash when connecting to as server with a missing mod
- fix menu panorama removal with some mods
- fixes small memory leak
- fixes a bunch of rendering issues with optifine pre 1.19.4
- fixes frame limiter being active on forge 1.19.4 and lower
- fixes loading of new menuworlds on 1.19.2
fixes startup crash with forge 48.0.14+
update to 1.20.2
- new:
- adds 1st person mirror smoothing
- adds option to choose if updates should be shown for release, beta or alpha versions
- vivecraft fixes:
- now crashes on purpose, if the mod is ran with vivecraft forge extension on the server, to let the user know what is wrong
- fix mixed reality mirror
- fix gpu error screen message
- fix fly freemove being ignored
- fix server keeping player vr state when they leave
- fix drink me easter egg
- fix server log spam when player are climbing
- fix butt particles
- fix headshot multiplier being too much, even on 1x
- fix players being kicked when using an outdated vivecraft
- fix radial menu and keyboard when the mirror window is not 16:9
- fix forge constantly thinking there is a new update
- fix server combat settings notifying all players
- fix camera widget lighting
- fix spyglass enchantment glint in hand
- fix post effects (spider, enderman, optifine fxaa)
- add modmenu / forge mod config compatibility:
- adds ingame gui to change server settings
- allows to disable vivecraft buttons
- allows to enable/disable vr when in a world (only possible when the server allows hotswitching)
- mod compat:
- fix black screen with DynamicFps
- fix player rendering with First Person Model mod
- fix rendering issue with distant horizons
- fix stencil issues with immersive portals (there are still issues general usability)
- fix culling issue with sodium 0.5+
- fix 3rd person hands with sodium 0.4.9+
- fix network issue with essential
- fix issues with resolution control compatibility, add support for its dynamic resolution
- fix button conflict with bedrockify
- optifine:
- fix stencil with optifine shaders+render quality
- fix enchanted items with optifine shaders
- fix reload screen with optifine
- fix "opaque gui" setting with optifine
- fix 3rd person hands being hollow with optifine
- fix spyglass in hand with shaders