- add armor and tool tags for correct enchanting
- add bosses to vampire sword finisher blacklist
- spawn vampires and hunters no longer as monsters
- fix blood vision rendering with iris shaders
- fix bat rendering with iris shaders
- add new hunter texture
- fix issue with navigation path
- fix supporter loaded advanced entities having default texture
- fix issue with night vision effeccts name
- fix infect action crash when looking at non living entities
- fix issue with navigation path
- fix supporter loaded advanced entities having default texture
- fix infect action crash when looking at non living entities
- ignore berry bushes for converted foxes
- fix converted entity crash
- update fly attribute on client
- update repurposed structures
- fix issue with accessories loading
- fix issue with taskmanager loading on client
- fix sun damage position check
- fix crash with baron spawns
- fix spectator removed from server in faction raid
- fix standing coffin respawn position
- fix spectator issue during village raids
- adjust and fix vertical coffin wake up position
- fix minion crossbow shooting
- clarify "from behind" condition
- minion action activation crash
- allow all player to hold garlic bread
- add default sanguinare effect cures
- fix crash with minion eating
- fix cursed hanging root texture
- fix issue with network packages for sundamage settings
- fix difficulty system when spawning vampire barons
- fix client sided rendering of extended action durations
- add player as argument to the skill command
- fix possible crash with world loading
- fix cursed hanging roots block rendering
- fix teleport action accidentally setting player as disconnected
- re-add blood bottle stack limit
- fix structure not generating
- fix area effect crash
- add more books
- add new double eye texture
- enable mod configuration screen
- make vampire food return the correct food properties
- fix vampire sleeping during thunderstorms
- fix minion inventory stack size
- fix blessing sound
- fix crash on action / skill activation
- fix client extended action duration display wrong
- fix crash when checking the config before the world is loaded
- fix vampire book spelling
- fix crash with newer neoforge versions
- fix issue where arrows with the Frugality enchantment were collectable.
- replace gradient border overlay with texture overlays for
- sun
- rage
- disguise
- vampire awareness
- bat mode
- change oil naming scheme
- fix vampire slayer damage per level
- fix sleeping time check during thunderstorms
- fix strange issue tie vampire under sun attack goal
- fix crossbow frugality enchantment
- fix blessing sound
- remove blood container model debug log message
- add attack damage attribute to converted villager
- fix jei weapon table recipe
- increase base heart striker attack speed over 0
- fix unlock all skills config option
- rename hunter village capture task for clarification
- let tent block forward sleep related interaction to main block
- fix alchemy table screen color not reset
- let blood vision render invisible entities
- fix issue with easy villager
- fix entity tag based task requirements
- fix blood stats client-sided display
- fix vampire book opening
- fix open action order crash on server