Ragged Grass Vines Dynamic moss block Grassy Dynamic moss block Phantom Cube
Nature's spirit compat blocks: Red moss vines neat sedge grass neat tall sedge grass
Various Small block additions including but not limited to; small dripleaf vines, crystalline amethyst blocks, Dyanmic moss blocks and Smooth stone stairs.
1.0 Release is here and its big!
- Many new block types including Moss Vines, Old Cobblestone, potted small dripleaf, and Grassy Sand!
All mod crafting recipes are reversable now!
Lots of model fidelity and fixes, no more weird z-fighting or gaps.
The Wiki will be outdated for a while as theres a lot of stuff to cover.
Introduces new glass layer blocks that place like glow lichen!
Tough dirt blocks are exactly like regular dirt blocks but they can't be overgrown with grass. perfect for paths.
chain stubs.
- Added more types of path blocks (clay, gravel, red sand, mud)
- Added Azalea Bush Blocks and Azalea Droop Blocks
- Added Creeper Gold Block, Purpur Joint, Underhang Vine and Chipped Stone
- Fixed Short Grass Block Recipe
- Fixed Particles for Grassy Blocks
Big Update with lots of fixes and additions!
- Added "Neat" Ferns.
- Added Red and Pink Cobbled sandstone blocks.
- Added ability for stuff to be planted on cobbled sandstone blocks, crushed deepslate and crushed basalt.
- Added Directional Quartz Bricks.
- Changed Flowering Jungle Leaves.
- Fixed Drops of a few blocks.
- Added Recipe for Alarm Block.
- Added Sharp Grass back into To the Creative Menu
- fixed Old Growth plant hitbox sizes
- Split everything into more Creative Menus.
- Alarm Block
- Directional Deepslate Tiles
- Cracked Directional Deepslate Tiles
- Directional Bricks Nature's spirit compat additions
- Directional Travertine tiles
First Beta! Work in Progress. Adds even more blocks if the Nature's Spirit mod is present!