- Added some missing items to creative tabs
- Added a configs to add more colors to placed books
- Fixed mod and jar tabs
- Fixed door sounds not working
- Fixed jar items not rendering correctly
- Finished mod creative tabs. Pls test these especially with configs
- Added all mod worldgen
- Worldgen is now only data driven so configs for it will be removed, to configure it you need a datapack
- Basalt ash feature can be fully configured with datapacks
- Bubble blocks colors are controlled by a texture similar to globe colors
- Removed all vertical slabs integration
- various fixes
- EMI compat (thanks to Abbie5)
- Trapped present has a dedicated config
- dispensers can now deploy keys against key lockable blocks. Might be useful with lock block
- safes can no longer contain their own key
- added funny red merchant texture
fixed framed blocks breaking instantly when full
- fixed blackboard overlay
- custom item textures for supporters globes (thanks to TorchTheDragon)
- other fix
- jars can no longer catch all water animals by default
- fixed messed up in latest patch
- Minor optimizations with some memory usage on level unload
- Added tag blacklist for potions that cant go in spikes
- soap can clear filled maps
- fixed a server crash
- Fixed a crash when exploding frame blocks
- Flags can have more than 6 patterns when quark is on