- Io, Europa and Callisto are now orbiting Jupiter
- Potential crashes related to sky event rarity
- Orbiting objects (Planets and moons can be seen in the night sky orbiting around each other)
Fixes and changes:
- Rewrote the entirety of rendering code to make usage easier
- Star size now changes with distance
- Alpha, Beta and Gamma effects (there are plans to replace those with a better, more flexible system)
- Supernovae
- Shooting Stars
- Meteor Showers
- 3 new configurable sky effects ("stellarview:alpha_effects", "stellarview:beta_effects" and "stellarview:gamma_effects"; must be added to the "effects" field of the dimension_type to work)
Fixes and changes:
- Fixed insufficient memory crash (Sorry about that, I turns out I missed fixing it in the 1.20.1 version, all the other versions are fine though)
- Increased the max configurable distance for the Galaxy
- The Moon now blends with the sky during day
- Supernovae
- Shooting Stars
- Meteor Showers
- 3 new configurable sky effects ("stellarview:alpha_effects", "stellarview:beta_effects" and "stellarview:gamma_effects"; must be added to the "effects" field of the dimension_type to work)
Fixes and changes:
- Increased the max configurable distance for the Galaxy
- The Moon now blends with the sky during day
- Supernovae
- Shooting Stars
- Meteor Showers
- 3 new configurable sky effects ("stellarview:alpha_effects", "stellarview:beta_effects" and "stellarview:gamma_effects"; must be added to the "effects" field of the dimension_type to work)
Fixes and changes:
- Increased the max configurable distance for the Galaxy
- The Moon now blends with the sky during day
Fixes and changes:
- Fixed stars appearing as black during twilight
Fixes and changes:
- Fixed stars appearing as black during twilight
Stellar View 0.1.4 for Minecraft 1.20.1
Fixes and changes:
- Fixed stars appearing as black during twilight
Fixes and changes:
- Fixed insufficient memory crash
Fixes and changes:
- Fixed insufficient memory crash