fixed an issue with some plants
fixed an issue with some crops
rewrote the entire farm logic task this allowed for the following improvements:
farmers wont target a block if they dont have seeds
farmers will better prioritize nearby blocks
seed type will be more accurately chosen based off many more neighboring blocks ina 3x3x3 cube
farm task will in general feel snappier with less idling and doing nothing
duration that farmers will have to stay on a block to break it can be chagned via config
fixed farmers not quite reaching their destination while targeting farmland
farm task will now entirely replace the existing one. This means that it will override whatever other mod changing the farm task.
added Debug Renderers config, useful to see exactly what a farmer is doing. only works in single player
fixed crash on forge. using forge event for new feature
added config to make villagers always pickup food regardless of gamerule
updated quark dep
villagers can now acquire non vanilla farm block as a secondary block site. Previously they always needed at least 1 vanilla farmland to start farming in the area
updated quark itegration
Improved farmers tilling to work properly with any modded block (aka made farmers even smarter) Also farmers will use Quark auto replant feature if thats on, whenever the mod comes to 1.20
fixed mod breaking villager particles when installed on clients
fixed mod breaking villager particles when installed on clients