Release 3.0.4 for MC 1.15.2
- Added Honey seeds
- Added a recipe for Mystical Flower seeds
- Added a config option to disable animated Growth Accelerator textures
- Fixed Soul Glass and Witherproof Glass not being translucent
- Fixed essence watering cans not being toggleable
- Fixed the Tinkering Table not having block break particles
- Fixed addon crops being dark in JEI
- Fixed seed and seed reprocessor recipes being generated for disabled crops
Release 3.0.3 for MC 1.15.2
- - Added back Botania, Mekanism, Quark, Refined Storage crops from previous versions
- - Added recipe types 'mysticalagriculture:infusion' and 'mysticalagriculture:reprocessor' to the recipe type registry
- - Updated translations for ko_kr, zh_cn
- - Fixed watering cans not always picking up water
- - Fixed effective farmland not working
API Changes:
- - Fixed isEffectiveFarmland default check
Release 3.0.2 for MC 1.15.2
- Added ko_kr translations
- Added mob soul type id to soul jar advanced tooltip
- Fixed Inferium seeds not dropping the correct amount of essences on certain essence farmlands
- Fixed seeds not being hidden when disabled
API Changes:
- Added setters for ICrop, IMobSoulType, and CropTier display names
- Added setters to ICrop for tier and type
Release 3.0.1 for MC 1.15.2
- Added back the OreDictionary crops from previous versions
- Added config options for world generation
- Added back the ghost pedestal guide to the Infusion Altar
- Fixed the Infusion Pedestal not dropping its inventory when broken
- Fixed infusion crafting recipes not working with less than 8 pedestal items
Release 3.0.0 for MC 1.15.2
- Initial release for 1.15
- Currently only missing the Infusion Altar pedestal placement guide
Release 2.0.6 for MC 1.14.4
- Added an ingame guide book (REQUIRES PATCHOULI)
- Added Coral and Turtle seeds
- Added essence recipes for: Charcoal, Eye of Ender, Magma Cream, Scute, Corals, Nautilus Shell, Heart of the Sea
- Added model jsons for crops/essences/seeds (this gets rid of a lot of log spam)
- Made the Flight augment chesplate only, and made Night Vision helmet only
- Holding shift while using the Mining AOE augment will now negate the effect
- Fixed Attack AOE augment recipes
- Fixed Flight augment not always working
- Fixed Growth Accelerators becoming ineffective after a world restart
- Fixed the watering cans not throttling speed in some cases
Release 2.0.5 for MC 1.14.4
- Added crop features required for Mystical Agradditions
- The ability to add a crux to a crop
- The ability to disable fertilization using Mystical Fertilizer/Fertilized Essence
- The ability disable secondary seed drops for a crop tier
- Added 'Added By' tooltip to addon essences
API Changes:
- Added ICropRegistry#getCropByName
- Added methods to get crop tiers/types by id
- Added Crux capabilities
- Added CropTier#isFertilizable
- Added CropTier#hasSecondarySeedDrop
Release 2.0.4 for MC 1.14.4
- Initial implementation of the new Augment system
- Augments are the replacement for Charms
- Augments can be applied to all tiers of tools/armor
- Augments themselves have tiers, lots of them have multiple tiers
- An augment can be applied to any applicable item of equal or greater tier
- They are added using the Tinkering Table, and can be removed or swapped at any time
- The set bonuses have been changed to Augments, set bonuses will return in a new form at a later date
- Removed the extra diamonds from essence tool/armor recipes
- Fixed network issues with recipes (JEI should properly show the recipes in all circumstances now)
- Fixed an error with color handler registration
- Fixed IF planters not being able to plant crops on Essence Farmland
- Fixed the I/O of Seed Reprocessors
Requires Cucumber Library 2.0.6+
Release 2.0.3 for MC 1.14.4
- Added back Fertilized Essence dropping from resource crops
- Fixed a startup crash caused by IItemColor registration
- API: Changed ICrop#getSecondaryChance to use double
Release 2.0.2 for MC 1.14.4
- Added back Seed Reprocessors
- Fixed Essence Furnaces not dropping themselves when broken
Release 2.0.1 for MC 1.14.4
- Fixed startup crash on dedicated servers
Release 2.0.0
- Initial beta release for 1.14
- Not all content is re-added
- Please report any issues you find
- Documentation is planned
Release 1.7.5 for MC 1.12.2
- Added a config option to disable the Ultimate Seed Reprocessor
- This fixes an issue where disabling the Ultimate Furnace would break things
Release 1.7.4 for MC 1.12.2
- Added a config option to disable the Ultimate Seed Reprocessor
- This fixes an issue where disabling the Ultimate Furnace would break things
Release 1.7.3 for MC 1.12.2
- Added connected textures for Witherproof Block/Glass and Soul Glass (requires ConnectedTexturesMod)
- Added Korean localization
- Moved essence recipe configs to their own section in the config gui
- Fixed Tinkering Table output icon and transfer item button being misaligned in JEI
Release 1.12.2
- Added connected textures for Witherproof Block/Glass and Soul Glass (requires ConnectedTexturesMod)
- Added Korean localization
- Moved essence recipe configs to their own section in the config gui
- Fixed Tinkering Table output icon and transfer item button being misaligned
Release 1.7.1 for MC 1.12.2
- Fixed items not being extracted from the essence Seed Reprocessors
Release 1.7.0 for MC 1.12.2
- Added Matter Overdrive crops: Dilithium and Tritanium
- Added Erebus crops: Jade
- Added essence recipes for Marble from Astral Sorcery, Sulfur from The Betweenlands, and Tallgrass
- Added Essence Seed Reprocessors, upgraded versions of the Seed Reprocessor, works similarily to Essence Furnaces
- Added a tooltip to crafting seeds specifically mentioning that they cannot be planted
- Sneaking while consuming Experience Droplets will now consume the whole stack
- Touched up a bunch of textures
- Watering cans will no longer spawn a ton of particles when used with an auto clicker
- Cleaned up JEI integration
- Seeds can now be planted with dispensers
- Increased the operation time of the regular Seed Reprocessor to 7 seconds (up from 5)
- Fixed Essence Furnaces and Seed Reprocessors losing their inventories when rotated
Release 1.6.13 for MC 1.12.x
- Fixed a crash involving PneumaticCraft harvest drones
Release 1.6.12
- Fixed essence coal blocks not having fuel values