Release 6.1.1 for MC 1.19.3
- Fixed a server startup crash
- Fixed the Tinkering Table screen not opening
Release 6.1.0 for MC 1.19.3
- Updated to 1.19.3
- Updated world generation registration
- Configured Features and Placed Features are now registered using the vanilla datapack system
- Removed world generation config options for spawn rate/size, min x, min y
- Fixed log warnings relating to unknown recipe book categories
Release 6.0.5 for MC 1.19.2
- Added tools, armor, ingots, nuggets and storage blocks to their corresponding forge tags
- The Awakening Altar will now display how much of each essence is required if one or more vessels doesn't have enough essence
- Updated ru_ru translations
- Fixed Awakening Pedestal not working with hoppers/item transfer
Release 6.0.4 for MC 1.19.2
- Added a plant growth AOE set bonus effect to Awakened Supremium Armor
- Added Awakening Crafting support to the CraftTweaker integration
- The Harvester can now be disabled when given a redstone signal
Release 6.0.3 for MC 1.19.2
- Added Essence Fishing Rods
- Hide Mystical Flower Agglomeratio when the Mystical Flower crop is disabled
- Updated basic watering can texture
- Fixed awakening recipes not displaying properly on servers
Release 5.1.2 for MC 1.18.2
- Updated watering can texture
- Fixed Soulium Gemstone Block not being mineable with a pickaxe
- Fixed a Tinkering Table dupe bug
- Fixed items not rendering in the proper rotation on the Tinkering Table
- Fixed a crash caused by breaking a Tinkering Table with an item in it
Release 6.0.2 for MC 1.19.2
- Added Essence Shears
- Added a HUD element that displays when looking at an Essence Vessel that shows its contents
- Added a HUD element that displays when looking at an Infusion or Awakening Altar that shows the output item of the current recipe (if there is one)
- Changed Harvester recipe to require Soulium Ingots and made it accept Diamond Scythes from Pickle Tweaks as well
- Removed redundant Essence Vessel integration from Jade plugin
- Fixed The One Probe integration for Essence Vessels showing the item name in square brackets
- Fixed the Awakening Altar consuming all essences even if the recipe didn't require them
- Fixed machines not dropping their upgrades when broken
- Fixed item model rotation on Tinkering Tables
Release 6.0.1 for MC 1.19.2
- Added the Harvester
- a fuel powered machine that harvests crops in its area of effect
- harvests fully grown crops and re-plants them
- Added Essence Scythes
- an AOE crop harvesting tool and weapon
- Added Essence Sickles
- an AOE plant matter breaking tool
- Added Machine Upgrades
- currently used by the Harvester and the Soul Extractor
- upgrades the stats of the machine in-place
- can be applied in the GUI or by shift-right-clicking on the machine
- Applied the 'cluster_max_harvestables' tag to the Awakened Supremium Pickaxe
- Flipped the pedestal and vessel locations in the Awakening Altar ghost layout to match the JEI category
- Fixed some blocks not having proper mining tools set
- Fixed some blocks not having block drop loot tables set
- Fixed a crash caused by breaking the Tinkering Table when it contained an item
- Fixed a Tinkering Table dupe bug
Release 6.0.0 for MC 1.19.1
- Updated to 1.19.1
- Added Awakened Supremium
- A higher tier version of Supremium that is used to create the highest tier of essence gear
- Created using Cognizant Dust (obtained by killing a Wither or Ender Dragon with an essence weapon enchanted with Mystical Enlightenment), elemental essences, and a block of Supremium essence using the Awakening Altar
- Awakened Supremium tools/armor have greater stats and can have 2 augments equipped
- Awakened Supremium Furnace and Seed Reprocessor instantly process resources
- Added essence recipes for Mangrove Log, Mangrove Sapling and Mud
- Removed Tinkers' Bronze seeds
- Removed the 'mysticalagriculture:tag' recipe type
Release 5.1.1 for MC 1.18.2
- Added Tinkers' Construct crops: Amethyst Bronze
- Added uk_ua translations
- Added a recipe for Cracked Soulstone Bricks
- Improved Soul Extractor IO
- Soul Jars inserted into the sides of the Soul Extractor will go into the Soul Jar slot
- Extracting from the bottom will now only extract from the Soul Jar slot
- Only completely filled Soul Jars can be extracted
- Experience Capsules will now pick up experience when held in the offhand slot
- Disabled Tinkers' Bronze seeds (will be removed in 1.19)
- Updated Infusion Altar and Infusion Pedestal recipes and textures
- Fixed bows and crossbows not respecting the enchantableSupremiumTools config option
- Fixed Inferium Bow texture error
- Fixed a potential crash involving crop tiers with no effective farmland set
- Fixed not being able to shift-click items out of the Soul Jar slot in the Soul Extractor
- Fixed crop recipe config crop-level changes being overwritten by plugin configs
Release 5.1.0 for MC 1.18.2
- Updated to 1.18.2
Release 5.0.3 for MC 1.18
- Added Integrated Dynamics crops: Menril
- Added essence recipes for Create blocks: Asurine, Crimsite, Limestone, Ochrum, Veridium
- Added essence recipe for Cobbled Deepslate and updated the Deepslate essence recipe to match Stone
- Renamed Soulstone Cobble to Cobbled Soulstone
- Fixed potential Experience Capsule mod incompatibility issues
- Fixed the Infusion Altar not saving its inventory
Release 5.0.2 for MC 1.18
- Added Essence Bows and Essence Crossbows
- Added essence recipes for Certus Quartz Dust and Fluix Dust
- Re-added CraftTweaker integration
- Updated armor and tool item textures
- Fixed Deepslate ore block properties
- Fixed machines not saving their inventories
Release 5.0.1 for MC 1.18
- Added pl_pl translations
- Fixed Applied Energistics integration
- Fixed Patchouli integration
- Fixed watering can issues:
- Watering cans now use the vanilla cooldown mechanic for throttling
- Fixed a potential memory leak
- Fixed essence watering cans auto-watering without being held
- Fixed the regular watering can not having the same model orientations as the essence watering cans
Release 5.0.0 for MC 1.18
- Updated to 1.18
- Added Amethyst and Deepslate crops
- Added essence recipes for Calcite, Dripstone, Tuff
- HWYLA plugin is now Jade plugin
- Updated Copper crop to use vanilla Copper
- Updates to ore generation:
- Added Deepslate variants of Inferium and Prosperity ores
- Updated ore textures
- Updated ore spawn ranges to fit more into the new world height
- World generation configs now have separate min/max y config values
- Removed Ender Biotite crop
Release 4.2.6 for MC 1.16.5
- Added machine stat tooltips to the Soul Extractor
- Updated ru_ru translations
Release 4.2.5 for MC 1.16.5
- Added essence recipes for Warped and Crimson Nylium
- Added soul extraction recipes for Blizz, Blitz, Basalz rods
- Added Earth Slimes from Tinkers' Construct as valid entities for Slime souls
- Added 'tier' tooltips to Essence Infused Farmland
- Saltpeter seeds can now also be crafted using Niter
- Fixed Health Boost augments not retaining health on relog
Release 4.2.4 for MC 1.16.5
- The attack AOE augment now does more damage at higher tiers (10, 15, 20)
- Fixed infusion crafting recipes not accepting items with NBT if the ingredient doesn't require NBT
Release 4.2.3 for MC 1.16.5
- Fixed crop recipe ingredients ignoring NBT
- Updated ru_ru translations
Release 4.2.2 for MC 1.16.5
- Added Draconic Evolution seeds: Draconium
- Added The One Probe integration
- Marble seeds can now be crafted with the 3 types of marble (chisel, astral sorcery, quark)
- Fixed some seed recipes not displaying their crafting material correctly on dedicated servers
- Fixed shift-clicking stacked augments inserting augments into locked slots in the Tinkering Table