Armor/Tool Materials
- added Ancient Tools and Armor
- No harmful Status Effects now is exclusive to Ancient
- Gliding like with an Elytra is exclusive to the ancient chestplate
Loot Tables
- Added many very rare Items to Chest Loot Tables
- Some Items required for Ancient Armor can only be obtained by Archeology
New Abilities
- Can walk on Powder Snow
- No harmful effects are applied
- The player is able to disable each ability seperatly
New Abilities
- Can walk on Powder Snow
- No harmful effects are applied
- The player is able to disable each ability seperatly and is able to change on what armor materials the ability should be apllied
- Added Tooltips for the abilities
- all armor that requires Netherite to be crafted is Piglin Save
- enderman can be looked at without any issues with End Diamond armor or better
- all piglin variants do not attack the player even if the player punches them with Onethdenderite armor or better
- Iron Golems do not attack the player if the player punches it with Oled Armor
snapshot 1.21.5?
fix end diamond paxel upgrade
Paxels can be upgraded