1.2.12 - 1.20.1
- Add Custom Spell School Damage Types to SpellPower "All" Damage Type Tag
- Disable compat resource / datapacks, will be released as own projects
1.2.11 - 1.20.1
- Add Frost Crackle Long Sound
1.2.10 - 1.20.1
- Add new Sounds
- Added new Spell Animations and improved some old ones
2.2.0 - 1.21.1
- Spell Engine 1.5 Prep Update
- fixed CustomMethods according to API Changes
- disabled executeSpellSpellEngine Method, will probably not be needed in the future
- Update to Fabric Loom 1.9
2.1.1 - 1.21.1
- fix custom attributes not stacking
- clean up PlayerEntityMixin
2.1.0 - 1.21.1
- Spell Engine 1.4 Update
- created "vulnerable_to_water_spells" entity type tag, for water spell power spells
- created "resistant_to_water_spells" entity type tag, for water spell power spells
1.2.9 - 1.20.1
- again fixed a missing sound error
1.2.8 - 1.20.1
- added and fixed some HelperMethods
- fixed a missing sound error
2.0.15 - 1.21.1
- Fix applyStatusEffect Method
1.2.7 - 1.20.1
- Changed FrozenSolid and Frosted Effect logic again
- Frosted Effect cant be applied, if the target has the FrozenSolid Effect
- added a Helper Method for Spawning A Spell Cloud
- Rage Damage Calculation was changed to % of missing health instead of missing health amount
- This change was done due to rage being too broken in modded environments where health gets increased
- The Rage Attribute still enhances this calculation on increased damage
- Rage Damage Calculation was changed to % of missing health instead of missing health amount
- This change was done due to rage being too broken in modded environments where health gets increased
- The Rage Attribute still enhances this calculation on increased damage
2.0.13 - 1.21.1
- Stunned Effect Error Hotfix
2.0.12 - 1.21.1
- added stun immunity entity type tag
2.0.11 - 1.21.1
- fixed an issue apply status effect Helper Method
- forgot Runes - Mod dependency causing a crash
2.0.10 - 1.21.1
- Frosted Effect cant be applied if the entity has the Frozen Solid Effect
- changed frozen ticks
- Freeze Immune Entites are not affected by Frosted & Frozen Solid Effect
- Frozen Solid Effect Visual Model now scales with target
- BUGFIX: Fixed the error occurring when leaving the server causing the client crashing the game (something with the registry of my sounds was wrong)
- added a Poison Smoke particle
- fixed a typo in poison smoke particle
- increased Frosted Particle Count
- increased Frosted Particle Count
- fixed a typo in the Poison Smoke Particle
- buffed Frosted Frozen Ticks a bit for better combo potential
- Poison Smoke Particle was added
- Changed Frosted & Frozen Solid Effect a tiny bit
- changed the model for the Frozen Solid effect
- added Poison Gas Cloud Particles
- fixed a calculation mistake with the Rage Attribute