- Added LUMINOUS: BEASTS' Tree Ent, Hermit King, Mummy, Sea Viper, Yeti, ViIe Gator, Phoenix, Bone StaIker, Crimson Spitter, PigIin Executioner, Cherry Tree Ent, GoIden Hermit King, Red Mummy, CoraI Sea Viper, Arid Yeti, Frozen ViIe Gator, Windy Phoenix, Bogged Bone StaIker, Warped Spitter and BasaIt Executioner
- Added Luminous' Tree Ent, Hermit King, Mummy, Sea Viper, Yeti, Vile Gator, Phoenix, Bone Stalker
- Added Land of Goblins' Shiny Undead
- Added Born in Chaos' Spiders Mother, GIutton Fish, Dire Hound Leader and Nightmare StaIker
- Added Manic's Paracusia
- Added New CIassic BattIe Towers' GoIem Guardian
- Added L_Ender's Cataclysm's Aptrgangr
- Added Arthropod Phobia Expansions' Termite Tunneler Queen
- Added Battle Towers' Battle Tower Guardian
- Added Plenty of Golems' Guardian of the Deep
- Added Mofu's Broken Constellations Eye Guardian Golem
- Revoked support for Knighy's Mystical Creatures' Pritour as it has been granted its own boss bar in the original mod
- Added Arthropod Phobia Expansions' Spider Reaper
- Added Illager Revolution's Illager Blade Knight
- Added Snow Mercy's Headmaster
- Added Fungal Infection: Spore's Sieger, Howitzer, GazenBreacher and Hindenburg
- Added The Farlanders' Titan
- Revoked support for all of Ancient Golems' bosses as they have now received their own boss bars
- Fixed Mushroom Monstrosity boss bar spam
- Added Dungeons Content's Corrupted CauIdron, Ancient Guardian, Redstone GoIem, Redstone Monstrosity, Mushroom Monstrosity, Obsidian Monstrosity, Redstone Pigman Monstrosity, Tempest GoIem and Arch-Illager