[Let's Do Addon] Compat 2.1.0
Fabric & Forge
- Legendary Survival Overhaul compatibility
- Thirst was Taken compatibility
- Brewin' & Chewin' compatibility
- Updated Farm&Charm compatibility to 1.0.6
[Let's Do Addon] Compat 2.0.0
Fabric & Forge
Big refactor for way broader and better compatibility
Compatibility currently includes:
- All Let's Do Farm&Charm based mods (Farm&Charm, Candlelight, Brewery, Bakery)
- All Farm&Charm unofficial addons (CornExpansion…)
- Farmer's Delight / Farmer's Delight Refabricated
- All Farmer's Delight addons
- Thirst mods compatibility
Bug Fixes:
- Wrong cheese recipe
- A lot of uncraftable recipes due to missing tags for containers
- A LOT more tags for even more cross-mod compat
- Updated recipes to keep up with the latest mod changes
- Fluid compat for create mixer recipes (water, milk, lava...)
- Items upright on create belts
- NetherVinery compat
- Meadow Forge version support
Bug Fixes
- Added missing containers to 383 recipes
- Recipes missing if multiple were outputting the same item
- Missing vinery recipes in fabric version
- Missing containers from Farmer's Delight recipes
- Better json formatting for readability
- Tough as Nails compat
- Wrong recipes with create deployer
- Separate forge/fabric versions to improve tag compatibility
- Youkai's Homecoming and Herbalbrews kettle compat
- Ability to cut Meadow's cheese/cheese-based recipes on Farmer's Delight cutting boards
- Candlelight cooking pot compat with Farmer's Delight, Meadow and Bakery
- Bakery's baking station to create deploying compat
- Allow bakery cakes and tarts to be cut with Farmer's Delight board
- Sunflower Delight compat
- Vintage Delight compat
- Youkai's Homecoming compat
- Wine fermentation to create mixing compat
- Rats mod cheese tags
- Casualness Delight compat
- End's Delight compat
- More Delight compat
- Ube's Delight compat
- Botany Pots compat for grapes
- Some recipes were missing mod dependencies
- Typo in folder structure
- Recipes loading under Fabric
- Recipe compat for most farmer's delight addons
- Recipe compat with create