Added Nitori
- Conversion of Fumo 11.0.2 to Fabric
- Removed the use of NBT as its incompatible with the Fabric Generator
- Reworked the despawn system to be compatible with the Fabric Generator
- Shift-Clicking can now pick up glitched fumo's
QOL update from reading feedback by Chinese userbase.
- Added a Sneak+Click pickup method
- Rotten Flesh pickup mechanic is now considered a easter egg
- Added new pickup tutorial advancement
- Old pickup tutorial advancement is now an easter egg advancement
- Fumo's can no longer be mass fed for noise spam
- Fumo's now float in water gracefully instead of shooting upwards from misconfigured AI
- Added a solid block check to prevent fumo's being placed in walls
- Conversion of Fumo 11.0.0 to Fabric
- Added Patchouli
- Compile of Fumo 10.0.0 to Fabric
- Added Yuyuko
- Fixed model texture issue with leg on base fumo model
- Conversion of Fumo Forge 9.1.2 to Fumo Fabric
- Fixes some mod conflicts which caused fumo's to run away
- Fumo's will no longer drown
- Added Collisions to fumo's
- Fumo can now ride boats.
Conversion of Fumo "Forge 9.1.0 1.20.1" to "Forge 1.18.2"
Conversion of Fumo Forge 9.1.0 to Fabric
- Added Fumo pickup advancement.
- Added Fumo feeding advancement.
- Added Fumo rotating advancement.
- Added animated creative tab icon.
- Swapped advancement icons from 2D to 3D.
- Fixed advancement naming inconsistencies.
- Fixed Meiling top skirt texture having Koishi texture.
- Added advanced spinning icon for Fumo pickup advancement.
- Added advanced rotating icon for Fumo rotate advancement.
- Fixed bootleg advancement to be always visible.
Compiled 9.0.0 Forge for Fabric
- Added Meiling Recipe
- Added Youmu
- Conversion of Fumo 8.0.0 Forge to Fabric
- Added Meiling
Fabric build of Fumo Forge 7.2.0
- Added Fumo Advancement Panel
- Added Bootleg reimu to wandering trader