Being one of the biggest updates to the mod ever, I’ve decided to put the changelog in a separate page, while also making it a bit of a guide. Check it out here!
- Dreadhallowed Logs now become tired.
- Dreadhallowed Leaves now become tired.
- Greatly optimised dreadcount returnal.
- Greatly optimised skybox calculations.
- Other server-side optimisations.
- Made skybox blending smoother when leaving a dreadfeur biome.
- Added Asphalt.
- Added Lined Asphalt
- Added Road Reflector.
- Various other additions for upcoming 4.2.0 update.
Hello! Starting with this version, the OST is now separate from the main mod file and can be downloaded as a resourcepack. Although it’s optional, I highly recommend you do for the full experience! Ambient files have also been moved there.
- Dreadfeur Decay
- Raw Dreadfeur
- Dreadfeur Ingots
- Dreadfallen Warden
- Spidercreep
- Dreadfeur Armour Kit
- Dreadfallen Soil
- Dreadhallowed Soil
- Dreadbone Soil
- Dreadhallowed Log
- Dreadhallowed Leaves
- Dreadflame
- Dreadgrass
- Bonegrass
- Bulbgrass
- Lingering Grass
- Bulb Flower
- Bulb Mix
- Dreadtear Soil
- Tearlog Stem
- Tearlog Bark
- Tearrend Leaves
- Tearrend Fruit
- Many "Tired" variants of blocks.
- Statue of Tranquility
- Starspark Lights
- Starspark Bed
- Starspark Lamp
- Starspark Curtain
- Lavender Starfruit
- Lavender Starfruit Bush
- Balance Changes
- Bug Fixes
- Optimisations
- Other
- Added a 3D skybox, including many buildings and more to Frosthelm City, available on Ultra graphics.
- Fixed a bug with the muzzle flash of the melted gold sprayer.
- Added Oxygen Mask.
- Added Asphyxiation and Overheat mechanics to Hazard Mode.
- Greatly reduced file size.
- Added optional higher quality sfx and music resource pack.
- Optimisations to Fallen Guards.
- Added rare variant of Fallen Guards.
- Changes to diagnosis tool.
- Other changes and bug fixes.
Hello! Just a quick patch. My apologies.
- Fixed a critical bug that caused the game to sometimes crash when entities were hurt.
- Replaced some city npc models and textures.
- Reworked city npc AI, replacing the vanilla one. Expect performance improvements server side.
- Changed the sounds of various concrete, stone and iron blocks.
- File names changed.
- Other fixes.
Hello again! Another small update, mostly around polishing some things in preparation for the next major release. Hope you enjoy!
- Slightly optimised city generation.
- Fallen Guards now spawn constantly, instead of daily.
- Added Citizens, including 9 variants.
- Added Citizen dialogue.
- Computers turn on more frequently.
- Computer interface revamped, documents added.
- Changed music and sounds to more high quality variants following a vote.
- Added space music.
- Fixed a bug where falling in the city while mounted would break things.
- Added radio and glider.
- Balancing changes.
- Minor bug fixes and other additions.
- Changed circuit board textures.
- Changed some NPC models and textures.
- Removed unnecessary code.
- More file size optimisations.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed you to grindstone the Kyanite Pickaxe forever for free.
- Sandstone Quest change.
- Dreadnought Documents are obtainable once more.
- Removed bones dropping on death, as it it’s separate own mod now.
- Reworked and moved some tags around.
- Various optimisations.
- Prop physics (currently inaccessible in survival) for the next major update.
- Greatly optimised file size.
- Optimised standby performance further.
- Removed unnecessary effects.
- Removed unnecessary code.
- Removed unnecessary settings.
- Other changes.
Hello! Just a minor patch fixing a few things up, mainly server performance.
- Removed unnecessary knife sounds and code.
- Greatly optimised teleporters on servers.
- Teleportations are much quicker and snappier.
- Removed mycelium disaster.
- Various optimisations.
- Added new sound files.
- Some other minor changes.
Hello! Update 4.0.0 is here, featuring many changes to all the areas found in Endertech Infinity! All skyboxes have been reworked, new and new effects have been added!
Two questlines have been reworked, alongside the Dreadnought Laboratories in the end, which feature many new blocks!
You now are also able to travel between the planets by just, flying up and off them! Though the distances are very large.
There have been a lot of changes, please feel free to come provide feedback or report bugs in the discord server. Thank you very much for your support!
Hope you have fun!
- Removed unnecessary enchantability off of a few items.
- Fixed a bug where picking up an item inside the city would sometimes flash the screen orange.
- Echo brick set names reformatted, descriptions changed, added recipes and now uses the correct tool.
- Echo wall set names reformatted, descriptions changed, added recipes and now uses the correct tool.
- Echo white brick set names reformatted, descriptions changed, added recipes and now uses the correct tool.
- Kyanite Crystals now use correct tool.
- Removed firefly bottle.
- Wooden barrel no longer rotates.
- Fixed particles not spawning at the right coordinates for End NPC.
- Fixed duplicate check not triggering at right location for End NPC.
- Moved End NPC to new location.
- Added new laboratory location.
- Added new laboratory structure.
- Laboratory chemicals no longer glow.
- Laboratory containers no longer glow.
- Laboratory servers no longer glow.
- End weather no longer applies Blindness and Darkness.
- End weather no longer spawns lightning.
- Laboratory signs no longer glow.
- Changed descriptions of void and ash bones.
- Reworked siege questline.
- City Commander no longer makes villager sounds.
- Spectral Sharks no longer spawn inside laboratories.
- Glowbugs no longer spawn inside laboratories.
- Void Solar Panel recipe was broken.
- Player shards variable changed.
- Shard won for slaying mobs no longer displayed in chat.
- Changed Dreadnought Scientist AI.
- Removed Dreadnought Shulker Launcher.
- Fixed a typo on the second end quest.
- Removed unnecessary entity falling call.
- Added Starmap.
- Changed damage system.
- A lot of other stuff I forgot to note down. :/
1.20.4 NeoForge release!
- Changed the descriptions of a few items.
- Added new laboratory blocks.
Hello again! This update brings big server-side optimisations, a number of bug fixes, a whole new achievement tree and more!
- Mod performance impact on servers decreased by 5000% in some scenarios.
- Added a new and more helpful achievement tree.
- Falling off the world in the Frosthelm City on a server won't get you stuck in the air anymore.
- Reworked entire shop system.
- Changed City NPC spawning.
- Fixed NPC stacking issues.
- Item prices are now dynamic depending on the stack size.
- Changed item descriptions.
- Changed textures.
- Moved more items over to the new creative tab.
- Added more craftable equipment.
- Stats that are equal to zero no longer display when holding a diagnosis tool.
- Price changes to items.
- New model and animations for note scientists.
- Added defabricthasm modifier.
- Added fog to Frosthelm City.
- Updated Frosthelm City Generation.
- Greatly improved End Structure generation performance.
- DDET Researchers temporarily disabled and being reworked.
- Note Scientists AI reworked.
- Frosthelm planet texture reworked.
- Multiple internal reworks.
- Other changes.
- Minor bug fixes.
Thank you for your time! <3
A little update fixing up a few textures, while also adding changes to Glowshroom Leaves.
- Fixed a bug where Glowshroom Leaves could not be collected.
Hi again! This is the first part of a huge update, with the goal of polishing/finishing up any parts of the mod that have been left behind.
To start things off, this update introduces a few power infrastructure components, from a new power generator, to transmitter lanes and storage modules. All of these use FE and should be compatible with other mods.
The Lost Book has also been heavily reworked, and should (hopefully) give players a much better understanding of what to do.
Most of the Concyderum foliage has been reworked and given animations. Biome generation has been reworked as well, while also seeing the introduction of a new ocean biome. A few additional items have been added also in preparation for the questline overhaul coming soon.
In the background, a lot of changes and additions have also been made to prepare for the full release of the Nyoldarrian world.
Items have begun being transferred into a new creative tab, using a new naming format.
Other Changes:
- Fixed a bug where placing a Town Core in an incorrect position would send the warning message to all players.
- Fixed a bug where placing an End Core in an incorrect position would send the warning message to all players.
- Made biome names colour and style consistent.
- (Hopefully) fixed a bug where phantom damage would happen on client-side when regenerating.
- Nerfed DDET Researchers.
- Fixed an issue where runed ore wouldn't drop.
- Fixed a bug where the scavenger shop would crash the game if the player was in debt.
- Parry window increased by 50%.
- Parry can now only target a maximum of 4 enemies.
- Added scavenger model and texture.
- Changed crate loot.
- Fixed firespark railgun mechanics.
- Optimised DDET researchers.
- Changed city enchanting.
- Guard Shield now craftable.
- Fixed a bug where regeneration wouldn't let you die.
- Other changes.
- Version now stable.
- Fixed rendering bug when not using fabulous inside the Frosthelm City.
- Fixed shield stats becoming inconsistent.
- Fixed shop GUI inconsistency.
Hello! This update aims to restructure the balance of the mod, in relation to itself, vanilla and other mods.
- Added new gear modifiers: armour, attack, regeneration, recovery.
- Changed the vanilla armour, toughness and damage attributes of all modded items.
- Changed the stat values of all modded mobs.
- Greatly improved city performance and load time (again).
- Added new Scavenger NPC (WIP).
- Dreadnought Researchers reworked and renamed to DDET Researchers.
- DDET Researchers can now parry, crouch, counter-parry, retaliate, dance and slam storage themselves 2km in the air.
- Changed naming convention for equipment.
- Changed descriptions of a few items.
- Reworked City Guard/Fallen Guard models.
- Firespark Railgun projectile now transparent.
- Firespark Railgun projectile sounds reworked.
- Added dependency crates.
- Added city skybox.
- DDET model optimised and reworked.
- DDET faction created.
- DDET AI optimised and improved.
- Other minor changes.
Hello! Another small update, this time featuring:
- End Weather: Better wear a protective Dreadnought Suit, or you will be driven insane by the end corruption spikes during end storms.
- City Update: City has been greatly improved, both visually and performance wise, with the load time reduced significantly.
- Reputation: Quests now award reputation with their selective factions when completed.
- Nyoldarrian Typhoon Aerocraft added for playtesting. (Not available in survival yet.)
- Added Sonnar, Cloaking, Neutronic Blast and Soulfire.
- Fallen Guards are now [yellow] neutral mobs, and will no longer swarm the player.
- Exploit Fixes.
- Performance Improvements.
- Other.
Hi again! This is a quick patch to fix a critical bug, while also adding a few more things. Sorry!
- Dying while leading Guards no longer crashes the game.
- All armour models have been reworked.
- Changed mechanics of rare/candy foxes.
- Removed unnecessary files.
This update features a bunch of new exciting features and content!
- Dreadnought AI: Dreadnought Researchers now very rarely spawn in the Overworld and Nether. They can now break blocks, collect and craft items, build bases and call in reinforcements, among other things. Some of these more griefing options can be toggled in the server settings menu.
- Added 5 new songs to the soundtrack! These can be found on Youtube, Spotify, etc.
- Added new Frosthelm questline.
- Added the Firespark Railgun.
- Added Guardian Stones: Use these to hire guardians to protect your base!
- Added 6 Raw Ore variants.
- Lost Book reworked.
- City Guardian internal workings redone.
- All City Guardians now help you fight enemies.
- City Guardians now react with emotes.
- Added new Nethervoid Tab.
- Added Starsilk.
- Added new clothing.
- Added paper lanterns.
- Changed behaviour of Dreadnought mobs.
- A Watershroom was displaying instead of a Kyanite Ore inside of the recipe book.
- Effect settings weren't functional.
- Potato Mode had no use.
- Fixed typos.
- Optimisations and bug fixes.
- Other.