-Added a dog breed: Bernese Mountain Dog
-Added a dog breed: Australian Shepherd
-Added a dog breed: Bloodhound
-Added a cat breed: Kornish Rex
-Fixed Axototl mob category
-Added Tropical Fish Fillet to fish meat tags
-Fixed meat tags not loading properly
(Requires Livestock Overhaul 2.2+)
-Fixed an issue where baby Huskies couldn't be sat up
-Fixed a rendering issue on Border Collies
-Added meats to their respective tags
-Dogs/ wolves now transfer their owner over to the Doggy Talents dog when replaced (Untested)
-Tamable animals now transfer their owner over to the O-Pet when replaced
-O-Animals now only replace vanilla animals, rather than any animal that extends the vanilla class (May increase compatibility possibilities with other mods)
-Fixed an issue where O-Tropical Fish would spawn way too often on servers due to an incorrect Mob Categorization
-Foxes can now eat and be tamed with chicken and rabbit
-Fixed an issue where O-Wolves couldn’t breed correctly
-Fixed an issue where O-Wolves, O-Cats, O-Parrots, O-Foxes and O-Dogs would continue to run around after dying (traumatizing)