Create: Peaceful is lightweight Create addon for (Neo)Forge and Fabric that adds compatibility for Peaceful
Whether you're tired of building mob farms or simply don't feel like killing things, this mod offers alternative ways to obtain most animal and monster drops through peaceful means.
Mob essences
Animal Essences are dropped by most passive creatures on death.
Animal Essences are used to craft Monster Essences...
...which in turn can be crafted into Boss Essences.
Essence processing
Animal Essences can be processed into Experience Nuggets (ore used to craft higher tier essences).
Monster Essences can be crushed into monster loot (or crafted into Boss Essences).
Boss Essences have an extremely low probability of yielding boss loot when crushed.
Comodity recipes
Many drops from passive creatures are now craftable for easier resource gathering (see below for full list).
Full recipe list (2.0.0+)
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Mixing Animal Essence
- Requires 1 Animal Essence and 1 Gold Nugget
- Produces 1 Experience Nugget
Crushing Monster Essence
- Rotten Flesh (chance 0.31)
- Bone (chance 0.28)
- Gunpowder (chance 0.21)
- Spider Eye (chance 0.19)
- Ghast Tear (chance 0.07)
- Blaze Rod (chance 0.13)
- Breeze Rod (chance 0.09)
- Ender Pearl (chance 0.11)
Crushing Boss Essence
- Dragon Egg (chance 0.001)
- Nether Star (chance 0.003)
- Dragon Breath (chance 0.008)
Crafting Shulker Shell
- Requires 4 Purpur Blocks and 1 Nautilus Shell
- Produces 1 Shulker Shell
Crafting Echo Shard
- Requires 6 Flints and 1 Ender Pearl
- Produces 1 Echo Shard
Crafting String
- Requires 1 Wool (any wool color will work)
- Produces 1 String
Smelting Rotten Flesh
- 1 Rotten Flesh can be smelted into 1 Leather piece
- Works both in vanilla Furnace and Create Bulk Blasting
Cutting Leather
- Requires 1 Leather piece
- Produces 3 Rabbit Hides
Filling Black Dye
- Requires 1 Black Dye and 100mb Water
- Produces 1 Ink Sac
Crushing Arrows (any arrow type will work)
- Flint (chance 0.16)
- Stick (chance 0.14)
- Feather (chance 0.11)
All custom textures used (if any) are either created by me or have a license that allows modification and distribution.
I make every effort to comply with project license obligations and to always credit the original owners. If you believe your name is missing from the credits or if you decide to change your project's license, please contact me.
- Malcolmriley's Repository (CC License) for the animal essence texture.
Only the base Create mod is required for this one to work.
JEI is recommended but not required.
Add the .jar mod file into your mods folder.
Alternatively, you can browse the Modrinth launcher for the mod (if it doesn't show up, try typing the autor's name). Once found, click "Install" to add it to your modpack.
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