Pre-release version. Back up your worlds before updating.
- [Forge] Updated to Create 6.0.1
Pre-release version. Back up your worlds before updating.
- Fixed a crash when joining a world with a working Mixer
- [Forge] Fixed incorrect melting time for some metal forms
Pre-release version. Back up your worlds before updating.
This update breaks offsets of existing Modern Lamp Half Panels and Small Panels, and resets the locked status of all Modern Lamps
- Configurable goggle tooltips to Modern Lamps (by default they show up when the player is sneaking)
- Removed offsets from Small Modern Lamp Panels and Modern Lamp Half Panels
- Modern Lamps are now block entities and can no longer be moved by regular pistons
- Drastically reduced world loading times (#6)
- Added missing Small Red Modern Lamp Panel texture
Pre-release version. Back up your worlds before updating.
- New Modern Lamp variants:
- Quad Panel
- Double Panel
- Half Panel
- Small Panel
- [Forge] Updated to Create 0.5.1.h
- Removed Nether Flora and Coal from Nether Compound Recipe
- Updated and reorganised textures of Modern Lamps
- Optimised Modern Lamp Panels
- [Forge] Fixed clients being unable to connect to servers (#3)
Pre-release version. Back up your worlds before updating.
- Fixed Brass Carrot's Haste effect duration
Pre-release version. Back up your worlds before updating.
- New fluids: Molten Zinc, Copper, Brass, Ancient Debris, Netherite, Andesite
- New melting in Blaze Mixer recipe for Ancient Debris, that gives Netherite at higher rates
- New mixing recipe for Molten Andesite, that gives Andesite Alloy at higher rates
- Mixing recipe for Molten Brass using Molten Copper and Zinc
- Blaze Mixing recipe for Netherite using Molten Ancient Debris and Gold
- Crafting recipe for Blaze Apple
- 17 new Advancements, including 3 challenges and one secret advancement
- You may need to replace your Mixers, Blaze Mixers and Spouts to get some of the advancements
- New item tags:
- New Metal Carrots and Apples:
- Zinc - focused on movement (Speed, Slow Falling)
- Copper - focused on water (Water Breathing, Dolphin's Grace)
- Brass - focused on building (Haste, Jump Boost)
- Enchanted Netherite Apple - combines and enhances the power of Enchanted Blaze Apple and Enchanted Golden Apple
- Compatibility recipes for melting Rods, Wires and Zinc Sheet from Create: Crafts & Additions
- [Forge] Information about Nether Lava in JEI
- Modern Lamp Panels can now be waterlogged
- Increased chance of getting Blaze Powder when crushing Blaze Gold Rods from 30% to 50%
- Several recipes now use tags instead of specific ingredients
- Updated textures for existing Molten Metals
- Updated textures for existing Metal Apples
- Blaze Arrow's damage is now multiplied when hitting the target rather than when being shot
- Changed the icon of Blazing Building Blocks creative tab back to White Modern Lamp
- Adjusted effects of existing Metal Apples
- Changed recipes for Modern Lamp Blocks:
- They now require 1 Blaze Gold Rod, 1 Glowstone and 3 Glass blocks (or Stained Glass for colored lamps)
- [Fabric] Blaze Mixing recipes should no longer show before regular Mixing recipes when using EMI
- [Fabric] Unified some translations between EMI and JEI
- [Fabric] Molten Blaze Gold source blocks now turn into Obsidian when touching water
- Metal Block melting recipes
- Fixed mod .jar files using
name instead ofcreate_blazing_hot
- Modern Lamp Panels no longer get destroyed by fluids when facing up or down
- Blaze Arrow is now in the
entity type tag and grants the "Take Aim" advancement - Moved Blaze Mixer's fuel slot in recipe viewers to avoid being hidden by ingredients
- [Forge] Fixed Iron Carrot crafting recipe using wrong tag for iron nuggets
- [Forge] Fixed Blaze Mixer having incorrect fuel capacity
- [Forge] Fixed Modern Lamp dyeing recipes using wrong tags for dyes
- [Forge] Pumping fuel out of Blaze Mixer while processing a recipe no longer crashes the game
Pre-release version. Back up your worlds before updating.
- ⚒ Forge support
- Regular mixing recipe for melting Blaze Gold Rods
- Configuration options for toggling effect tooltips for custom food
- Toggleable effect tooltips for vanilla Golden Apples
- New configuration options for blaze mixing
- Reduced melting time with Blaze Mixer
- Reduces fuel costs for melting with Blaze Mixer
- Extended processing time of Molten Blaze Gold mixing and blaze mixing recipe
- Melting with Mechanical Mixer is now 3 times longer compared to Blaze Mixer (previously 5)
- Renamed
property in Blaze Mixing recipes toblazinghot:fuel
- Nether Sprouts can now be used when crafting Nether Compound
- Updated textures for Blaze Gold Ingot, Nugget, Sheet and Block
- Modern Lamp crafting recipe now returns 2 lamps instead of 1
- Blaze Arrow crafting recipe now returns 4 arrows instead of 2
- Reduced the amount of Nether Essence required to obtain Molten Blaze Gold from 4 to 2
- Reduced the amount of fluid when filling Metal Carrots and Apples from 8 nuggets or ingots to 6
- Adjusted sequenced assembly recipes for Enchanted Metal Apples:
- Increased the amount of loops from 4 to 6
- Reduced amount of fluid required per loop from 9 ingots to 6
- Blaze mixing recipes now consume the correct amount of fuel
- Blaze mixing recipes' speed is no longer affected by the fuel
- This only applies to recipes exclusive to the Blaze Mixer
- Melting time no longer caps at 512 ticks (25.6 seconds)
- Blaze Mixer:
- A Mixer capable of holding fluids (fuel)
- All recipes from Mechanical Mixer can be applied in the Blaze Mixer
- When there is enough fuel present, the Blaze Mixer will work twice as fast
- There are some recipes exclusive to the Blaze Mixer
- Blaze Mixing (no support for REI yet, use EMI or JEI to see the recipes)
- Blaze Whisk (crafting ingredient)
- Melting recipes for Blaze Gold Rod
- Separate creative tab for building blocks
- Nether Lava
- More efficient Blaze Mixing recipes for Molten Blaze Gold
- Drastically increased melting time for metals in the Mechanical Mixer
- Melting with fueled Blaze Mixer is 5 times faster than in the Mechanical Mixer
- Moved Blaze Gold Block and Modern Lamps to the new creative tab
- Made Molten Gold and Molten Iron behave like lava:
- Their source blocks turn into Obsidian when touching water, and their tick rate has been reduced from
- You can generate Cobblestone faster using Nether Lava.
- In the future, these metals will have some new unique interactions with other fluids
- Their source blocks turn into Obsidian when touching water, and their tick rate has been reduced from
- New changelog format
- New version naming scheme:
- Removed build number from published files
- Added mod platform
- Example:
- Iron Block, Gold Block and Blaze Gold Block melting recipes in the Mechanical Mixer
- These blocks can still be melted in Blaze Mixing
- Molten Iron
- Iron Carrot, Iron Apple, Stellar Iron Apple, Enchanted Iron Apple
- Recipes for melting Blaze Gold in the Mixer
- Blaze Casing
- Slightly adjusted some recipes
- Extended Stellar Blaze Apple's and Enchanted Blaze Apple's Regeneration effect to 20 seconds
- Blaze Gold Block no longer emits light
- Colored variants of Modern Lamps and Modern Lamp Panels
- Updated textures for White Modern Lamp and White Modern Lamp Panel
- Blaze Apple, Stellar Blaze Apple, Enchanted Blaze Apple
- Renamed:
Modern Lamp
->White Modern Lamp
Modern Lamp Panel
->White Modern Lamp Panel
- Added new tooltips to Modern Lamps
- Added redstone functionality of Modern Redstone Lamps to regular Modern Lamps
- ID changes:
- Updated Blaze Carrot tooltip
- Blaze Gold Blocks can now be used in the Beacon base
- Blaze Gold Ingots can now be used in Beacons
- Modern Redstone Lamp
- Modern Redstone Lamp Panel
- Blaze Carrots now extinguish after being eaten
- Blaze Carrots no longer give Fire Resistance
- Molten Blaze Gold and Molten Gold no longer use Tinker's Construct's textures
- Gilded Stellar Golden Apple's rarity is now Rare instead of Epic
- Effect tooltips now show the amplifiers of the effects (#2)
- Removed Cobblestone milling into Stone Dust recipe due to conflicts with Cobblestone crushing into Gravel recipe (#3)
- Rail Grass Slab
Initial release:
Molten Metals:
- Currently: Gold, Blaze Gold
- Gold can be melted in superheated mixing
- Blaze Gold can be acquired by mixing Molten Gold and Nether Essence
- Molten Gold can replace lava in cobblestone generators to make the process faster
- Molten Blaze Gold creates Netherrack when touching water
Nether Essence
- Obtained by haunting Nether Compound
- Nether Compound can be obtained by mixing some nether and overworld resources
Blaze Gold:
- Comes in six forms: liquid, nuggets, ingots, blocks, sheets and rods
- Blaze Gold Rods can be crushed into Blaze Powder and crafted into Blaze Arrows that deal more damage in the Nether
- Blaze Gold Nuggets and Molten Blaze Gold can be used to craft Blaze Carrot that grant 10 seconds of Fire Resitance
- Added Stellar Golden Apple, which is obtained by deploying a Nether Star on a Golden Apple
- Added recipe for Enchanted Golden Apple that uses the Stellar Golden Apple
- Added Stone Dust, Netherrack Dust and Soul Dust
- Added filling recipes for Golden Carrots, Golden Apples and Glistering Melons
- Added toggleable Modern Lamps, Modern Lamp Panels and their redstone-powered variants.
- Added Rail Grass (a scuffed grass slab)