- Fixed networking in battle mode should be usable
- Major bug fixes
- Fixed config sync mis match in fabric
- Fixed networking in battle mode should be usable
- Major bug fixes
- Fixed config sync mis match in fabric
- Fixed minor bugs
- Remove annoying msg when right clicking already mega'ed pokemon
- Fixed some server logic
- Optimized the code
- Fixed client bugs
- Fixed mega bug when world re join
- Fixed demega on server rejoin without battle mode
- Server patch
- Patched battle mode should be stable (hopefully)
- Texture will only work at full screen at gui -> 2 in battle mode
- Japanese and Brazilian translation added
- Removed annoying config msg saying disable battle mode
- Fixed major bugs
- Fixed some battleMode crashes
- Added mega button textures
- The code looks like im gonna get bullied the day i open source it
- Added french translation
- Fixed
"braceletHandSensitive": false
- Fixed annoying message when right clicked on wild Pokémon's with mega bracelet
- Minor bug fixes
- Fixed compatibility with RCT