- Patched advancements
- Added advancements for primals
- Minor patches
- Added groudon, kyogre for survival (very rare)
- Made red orb and blue orb obtainable
- Workaround to use mega rayquaza in battle
- Right click mega items to equip them
- Minor bug fixes
- Removed bracelet senstive mode (useless)
- Removed mega turn (useless)
- Fixed battle mode all stats and abilites change works the same as florish did
- Minor bug fixes
- Minor patches
- Added groudon, kyogre with primals
- Minor patches
- Fixed battle evo
- Fixed mega crystal texture missing fabric
- Battle Mode is true by default
- Minor bug fixes
- Added particles to mega crystal
- Fixed mega evo with bracelet mid battle with battle mode on
- Patched mega stone crystal model
- Added emissive textures for new mega items
- Retexture for mega crystal