- Works with Cobblemon GTS
- Added a server-side check when buying something to prevent negative balance
- Up & Down arrows next to the amount box:
- Clicking: Add or remove 1
- Shift + Clicking: Add or remove a stack
- Ctrl + Clicking: Set to max buyable or 1
- /cd alias for /cobbledollars
- /cm alias for /cobblemerchant
- Complete rework of the shop GUI
- The config is now separated into different json files:
- Client settingscommon.json
- Client & Server settingsbank.json
- The Bank settingsdefault_shop.json
- The Default Shop Settings
- The Client config screen (it's now a button instead of a text box)
- The amount of CobbleDollars can now exceed the limit of 2.14 billion with no theoretical limit.
- The dependency on Architectury API
Not yet implemented:
- The interface to edit a shop
- An in game config screen to edit the client config (works sometimes with modmenu on Fabric)
- "removeItemInHandFrom" subcommand to "/cobblemerchant"
- A tag that contains every entities that can be a Cobble Merchant (#cobbledollars:cobble_merchants)
- All the ancient balls to the default shop & the Master Ball & the Ancient Origin Ball
- 2 configs to enable/disable earning CobbleDollars from NPCs/Wild Pokémons
- A config to apply a multiplier to the CobbleDollars income
- The common.json config format for the default merchant shop /!\ It will delete any customization made on the default shop config /!\
- Some tweaks on the shop menu
- "/cobblemerchant" can now target multiple entities
- CobbleMerchants spawning in different biomes will now have the correct texture
- A crash when returning to a Cobble Merchant shop menu after exiting a JEI screen (Known issue: the shop is empty, but re-opening it will fix this)
- A menu to edit Cobble Merchants accessible via "/cobblemerchant edit [Cobble Merchant]"
- The ability to configure Cobble Merchants individually.
- "/cobblemerchant" to configure Cobble Merchants
- A "pay" subcommand to "/cobbledollars"
- Earn CobbleDollars when defeating NPCs
- CobbleMerchants can now sell items with NBT data
- Some tweaks on the shop menu
- Doubled the amount of CobbleDollars earned
- "/cobbledollars reload_config" can reload client config
- Zombie Villagers with the CobbleMerchant Profession no longer have a glitched texture
- The default client config is now "bottom right" as it should be
- Configuration to add new/modify the different tabs of the shop
- A command to reload the config without restarting the game/server (/cobbledollars reload_config)
- Vanilla villagers can get the CobbleMerchant Profession with a Display Case block from Cobblemon
- New texture for the Cobble Merchant
- Rework on the shop menu: added the possibility to have a lot of tabs
- Configuration for the bank system: What item is sellable & at what price
- Complete rework on the bank menu
- Rework on the config system
- The CobbleMerchant can now open doors
- The ability to buy emeralds from the bank
- The message in chat when earning CobbleDollars
- The CobbleMerchant will not despawn anymore
- Items will not disapear in the bank menu when closing it
- Commands to open the shop & bank menus: "/cobbledollars open [bank|shop]"
- The mod version in the mod menu wasn't the right one
- Spawn Egg for the merchant
- /cobbledollars command, you can give, set an amount, remove and query the amount of CobbleDollars. (query do not require permissions)
- Some tweaks to the merchant menu
- The price of items should not overflow and go to the negatives
- Items in the shop that stacked to less than 64 should now stack to their normal stack size when bought
Updated for Cobblemon 1.5.2
- Configuration for the position of the money overlay
- Configuration for the items the merchant is selling
- The default position of the money overlay is now bottom right (can be configured)
Tweaks on the menus (shop and bank)
- renamed refmaps to avoid compatibility issues
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