Merry Christmas!
- Chocolate fountains now spawn, containing "Melted Raw Chocolate Mix".
- You can process chocolate in the "Chocolate seperator", and the "Chocolate Heat Exchanger"
- You can send chocolate off to Santa in exchange for power in the new chocolate engine.
- We don't know what Santa does with it. Perhaps its for just in time Christmas presents?
- [#3857] Re-added the config option to disallow infinite water pumping. Useful if a finite water mod is installed.
- Added a new config option: "display.useSwappableSprites". This disables sprite swapping functionality, which is used by other config options (such as colourblind mode)
- Fixes [#3894] Optifine texture incompatibility
- Properly added config options for "itemRenderRotation", and "chunkLoaderLevel". The latter is technically just a boolean choice - only the quarry can chunkload at the moment.
- Guide book contents JSON files no longer need a title element if they have an item_stack element, as the title will now be the item stack's display name.
- The entire oil processing chain just vanished. Odd.
- The combustion engine is useless now that all the oil has gone, so it has been removed, forever.
Bugs fixed:
- [#3833] Missing lang entry for "Gelled Water" ( and "Water Gelifier" (
- [#3853] Pipe item models have the incorrect lighting.
- This might be altered in the future, as they are very dark now. Voice feedback on this please!
- [#3854] The architect table crashes if placed next to landmarks.
- [#3867] The chute inserts into living entities (so players or zombies, for example)
- [#3861] The filler has the missing block model in-world.
- Some modules accidently had hard dependencies on others when they shouldn't
- [#3874] Crash when breaking the heat exchanger
- [#3882] All fluid blocks except for one showed the missing texture.
- [#3884] Powering an obsidian transport pipe without any pipe connections crashes.
- The heat exchanger doesn't output properly.
- [#3925] Gates do not activate/deactivate redstone signals properly for farther blocks.
- Updated to minecraft 1.12.2
- The heat exchange is now a single item, rather than 3. It's still placed in the same way as before though.
- Existing heat exchangers probably won't load up properly.
- In addition, its default texture is now closer to iron and quartz pipes than tanks
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed the pipe event bus calling event handlers multiple times (not fully fixed yet though)
- Added the version update JSON link.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed a crash related to wire gate descriptions
- Fixed the pipe event bus calling event handlers multiple times (not fully fixed yet though)
- Added the missing version JSON web link.
- Fixed pipe textures not being allocated properly if multiple pipes used the same texture
- Added the fragile fluid shard: a single-use item that holds up to half a bucket of any fluid.
- This is dropped by every buildcraft machine or pipe that holds fluids, which means that you no longer loose fluids by breaking a block with fluids inside.
- This behaviour can be disabled (currently) only by disabling the fragile fluid item in objects.cfg
- Addon devs can call the API method "buildcraft.api.items.FluidItemDrops.addFluidDrops"
- Added the JSON gui system, which allows resource packs to customize the elements that are displayed in a gui.
- This includes expressions, which can use pre-defined or newly created variables to change the position, size, etc of elements.
- This (will) be fully documented at "'s"
- The filler, filler planner, and gate gui's are currently the only ones that can be changed in this way.
- This includes expressions, which can use pre-defined or newly created variables to change the position, size, etc of elements.
- Added a few new filler patterns, and consoildated all of the old ones into the new filler interface.
- 2d patterns (that repeat the pattern along a certain axis) are marked with a little red "2".
- Re-added engine power stage triggers.
- Right-clicking with a fluid container now interacts with all BC tiles that contain fluids, not just a small few.
- Now its much easier to manually process fluids through the new refining process.
- Extra debug info (F3 + looking at a BC block + in creative) now works on remote worlds (dedicated servers or someone else's LAN game)
- Expand the contents of the guide.
- [#3555] Add additional filler patterns (Circle, sphere, triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, octagon)
- [#3807] Greatly improved laser targeting performance.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed the combustion engine not burning the last millibucket of fuels.
- Fixed some bugs with the stripes pipe.
- Re-added the action to face a certain direction.
- [#3588] The filler doesn't work with land marks, nor could it be interacted with at all.
- [#3727] Extraction item pipes only pull 1 item at a time, no matter how much power was inserted.
- [#3729] Multiple fluid items cannot be filled or drained when right clicking on a tank.
- [#3740] The quarry cannot handle non-breakable fluids.
- [#3765] The quarry cannot handle blocks that place fluids when broken.
- [#3776] The quarry spends a lot of time rechecking the area after going back to a previous position.
- [#3800] Fixed tank comparator levels not working.
Breaking changes:
- The guide book loads entries differently (A breaking change for addon devs)
- The contents pages is now loaded from "assets/<domain>/compat/buildcraft/contents.json", rather than "assets/<domain>/guide/contents.json"
- Guide book entries are loaded from any resource pack, rather than just mod jar files.
- All loaded contnts pages are listed at the start of the book, along with the mod version
- [#3773] Facade API has been expanded to give more information.
- The facade pluggable now implements "buildcraft.api.facades.IFacade" - addon devs can use this for more detailed interaction
- Many methods and classes have been added to give information about phased facades.
Bugs fixed:
- [#3700] Fix crash with sponge (using a fakeworld to get block and entity requirements) (afdw)
- [#3711] Guide images crash when used. (AlexIIL)
- [#3721] Concurrent issue when looking at the autoworkbench in debug mode (F3) (AlexIIL)
- [#3724] Oil generation code crashes on the server (AEnterprise)
- [#3725] The autoworkbench throws out excess items (such as a bucket) (AEnterprise)
- [#3726] The advanced crafting table cannot craft even if its fully charged (AEnterprise)
- [#3745] Landmarks needed 8 seconds to be broken by hand. (AlexIIL)
- [#3763] Fluid and Item pipes sometimes display the wrong item or fluid on the client side (AlexIIL)
- [#3764] Obsidian pipes can't accept power from anything other than a pipe pulsar. (AlexIIL)
- [#3766] Blueprints sometimes don't sync correctly (afdw)
- [#3767] Tooltip render crash (afdw)
- [#3770] Oil generation config options are missing. (AlexIIL)
- [#3777] Facades textures are sometime rotated incorrectly (afdw)
- The filler isn't quite so useless anymore, but still WIP
- Added the heat exchanger multiblock, allowing full refining!
- Allow all kinesis pipes to send unlimited power. (Wait, this is a bug isn't it? Either way kinesis pipes are now enabled)
Bugs Fixed:
- [#3695] 2 of 4 combustion engines hooked to Quarry building up energy perpetually
- [#3687] Crash when breaking rotated quarry
- [#3683] Redstone activated markers not showing correct connectable distance
- [#3681] Emerald Pipe
- [#3680] Quarry tries to mine Bedrock
- [#3678] Volume Box not resizeable or removable
- [#3676] Crash when loading the game
- [#3675] Crash with CofH Mod Collection
- [#3651] Crash when using obsidian pipes
- [#3650] Server crash when building oil Station in oil field.
- [#3647] Issues with Builders module
- [#3644] Crash after post init
- [#3640] crash when generating terrain
- [#3637] Mining Well can't connect to Wooden pipe
- [#3635] The quarry doesn't chunkload its working area.
- [#3632] Incorrect name: Wooden Diamond Fluid Pipe
- [#3631] Cannot Open Combustion Engine UI While Holding Item
- [#3613] Gates do not output a redstone signal
- [#3588] Filler not working
- [#3555] Implement additional filler patterns
- [#3499] Whole suite of issues
- [#3177] Add custom item stack handling options for the Filler
- [#2796] Filler's issue
- [FC] Pipes sometimes disconnect from their neighbours when loading their chunk