This update adds support for chance biome replacement, note it is seed based
for instance if you want a flower plains biome to be replaced by a forest 30% of the time you would put:
minecraft:sunflower_plains > minecraft:forest 0.3
Biome chancing replacement is now seed based, you will get the same replacements aslong as the seed is the same.
The config file has been changed to
instead of
1.3 Change log
This update adds support for chance biome replacement and fixed a startup crash
for instance if you want a flower plains biome to be replaced by a forest 30% of the time you would put:
minecraft:sunflower_plains > minecraft:forest 0.3
This update adds support for chance biome replacement and fixed a startup crash
for instance if you want a flower plains biome to be replaced by a forest 30% of the time you would put:
minecraft:sunflower_plains > minecraft:forest 0.3
Code backend changes, should play nicely now.
Changed comments from # to !, please check your config files
Added the ability to silence the chat message in the config file
(I suggest deleting the config file to get the new improvements auto generated)
small other code improvements
There are 2 small updates in this update
Fixed a bug where sometimes biome rules are being ignored
Added support for replacing biomes using biome tags
As an example:
#minecraft:is_forest > minecraft:desert
replaces all biomes tagged as forests with deserts
#minecraft:is_mountain > minecraft:badlands
replaces all biomes tagged as mountains with badlands
Inital port, please contact me on discord if there are any errors.