Updated to 1.21.4
Updated to Minecraft version 1.21.2 and 1.21.3.
Changed wood set sounds to match cherry wood.
Added Ukrainian translation
Fixed chest boat recipe group and advancement toast
Updated to 1.21
Fixed plank recipe
Updated to 1.20.5/6, fixed fence recipe book, and fixed inventory placement for boats and signs, removed wood from bonus chest loot table
fixed fence recipe book, and fixed inventory placement for boats and signs, removed wood from bonus chest loot table
fixed fence recipe book, and fixed inventory placement for boats and signs
Fixed recipe output for wood, trapdoors, stairs, and stripped wood
Fixed output for wood, stripped wood, trapdoor, and stairs recipes
Updated to 1.20.3/4. Fixed recipe output for wood, stripped wood, stairs, and trapdoors
Updated to 1.20.2
Fixed some minor bugs with the recipe book and axe speed, added map colors for the new wood blocks
Fixed some minor bugs with the recipe book and axe speed
Initial Upload
Changed the colors for the wood set on maps
Initial Upload