- fixed bug with wooden and stone tool recipes
- updated to Minecraft 1.21.4
- added Pale Oak Chest Boat to material_consistency
- added Pale Oak Planks to slabs_to_blocks
- added Pale Oak Sapling to material_reverting
- added Pale Oak Slab to stairs_to_slabs
- added Resin Bricks to slabs_to_blocks
- added Resin Brick Slab to stairs_to_slabs
- added Resin Brick Slab to more_stonecutting
- removed tool material_variations
- added Pale Moss Block to moss_crafting_materials
- updated to Minecraft 1.21.3
- fixed Blast Furnace recipes for raw ore block smelting
- updated armor stand textures
- added compatability for Hyliacraft
- updated compatibility for Handcrafted
- updated compatibility for More Geodes
- updated to Minecraft 1.21.2
- updated Netherite Elytra to be fire resistant
- added Armor Stand variants from Stonecutting
- added Minecart with Command Block recipe
- added material reverting to the following items [candle, command_block, glass, glass_pane, terracotta]
- updated Paper material reverting
- removed alternative Stone Tool textures (redundant)
- removed Flint Tool textures (redundant)
- added the following to stone_crafting_materials [deepslate, polished_andesite, polished_blackstone, polished_deepslate, polished_diorite, polished_granite]
- updated to Minecraft 1.21.1
- misc bug fixes
- added compatability to New World
- updated compatability for Enchanted Vertical Slabs
- updated to Minecraft 1.21
- added new Copper Blocks to environment_crafting
- added Tuff Blocks to material_consistency
- added new Banner Patterns to material_reverting
- added Ominous Bottle to material_reverting
- added Tuff Blocks to more_stonecutting
- added new Sherds to pottery_sherd_duplicating
- added Tuff Blocks to slabs_to_blocks
- added Tuff Blocks to stairs_to_slabs
- updated to Minecraft 1.20.6