Fixed and Updated Hamlet Lootchest
Fixed other lootchests
Reduced spawn overwrite for the Nether Keep
Fixed broken Stronghold basis loot table (apologies for that) Changed Plots for ruined town to avoid the floating platform issue
DnT 2.1 changelog:
Updated Strongholds, illager manors and nether keeps mob rates
Fixed an bug with stronghold sewer not generating
Fixed an bug with the silverfish spawner placement
Added randomised bookshelves using chiseled bookshelves (some have enchanted books) for both the stronghold and illager manor
Added Swamp Village
Added Swamp Firewatch tower
Added Swamp Tavern
Added Jungle Village
Updated Jungle Firewatch tower
Added Jungle Tavern
Updated mangrove Firewatch tower
Updated Birch Firewatch tower
Added Cherry grove Firewatch tower
Added Cherry grove Tavern
Added Hamlet (piglin village/outpost)
Updated Jungle Ruins (they have now archelogy loot)
Updated Ancient City
-Added more rubble
-Added new big build
-Updated loot for the chests (adding trims, rebalance)
-Added gravel and Suspicious gravel to the rubble
-Added archelogy loot
-Added 3 new Alarm towers using the sculk amethyst combo
-Added an 3rd layer for the walls with an sculk amethyst network
Updated Ruined town/stronghold ruined town
-Added plots
-Updated the entire street system
-Added stage 5 house degration
-Updated rubble of ruined towns houses to be an mix of coarse dirt, gravel and suspicious gravel with archelogy loot
-Removed Zombie Spawns as only spawn
-Added Swamp as possible biome to generate in
Updated Desert tavern (camels)
Added Loot table for Wandering Trader (0-3 emeralds)
Added Loot table for Villagers (usualy crops or bread but an rare chance for emeralds if killed by player)
Updated Villager zombie Loot (switched the rare iron drop with an rare emerald drop)
Added Loot table for Piglin (same as zombie piglin but raw porkchop instead of rotten meat + 0-3 arrows)
Added Loot table for Piglin Brute (same as piglin but without the arrows)
Updated Witch Loot (somewhat rare chance for 0-2 emeralds)
Fixed an bug with witch hut lootchests (mangrove and swamp hut)
Added trims to several loot tables
and probably more things I forgot to write down
BD from Minecraft Ideas Academy ported the datapack to make it compatible with the previous 1.19 versions
Lowered mob rates for nether keep, illager manor and strongholds. illager manors mobs got choped from ~300 to ~100 and strongholds from ~700 down to ~150
with the help of the mob template pools you can configure how many mobs there spawn now in the structure by lowering or raising the "void" rate, void are when there is no mob so lower number for more mobs and higher for less mobs. this should help with both performance and customisation
Added: Swamp Witch hut rework -the Witch hut got a small rework adding an bed and an loot chest as well as an brewing stand but I also added 2 variations to the structure
Stronghold Rework -the entire stronghold got an huge rework with multiple complexes for the structure like an library or jail like complex. it became way bigger too because of it Stronghold Ruined Town -this structure is an ruined town with an different town center. those 2 structures try to generate at the same position but oceans throw an wrench in this. you may have strongholds with no town on top of them as they have an ocean over them, happens when they generate in lush caves as example. same applies with surface towns and having no stronghold if the town spawns at an beach. to note is that both Stronghold structures have naturally spawning endermites and raised enderman spawn rates. and that, because of the size of the structure, the Eye of ender needing a few seconds to locate the structure before it actually launches. mojank.
Nether Keep -Originally intended as an rework of the nether fortress I found that not everyone was happy with it fully replacing all nether fortress are. so I made it 50/50. the way how a nether structure generates is already the system choosing an spot and throwing an dice to see if its an bastion remnant or nether fortress. I just added nether keep to that dice roll.
Illager Manor -Originally intended as an rework of the Woodland mansion i found the same feedback with the Nether keep. and that is understandable in that case. the Tight corridors and small, but realistic space you walk through make evokers and its allays an hell of an structure. 50/50 again for an mansion or manor and Villager sell maps for both structures. meaning the woodland mansion map can lead to either.
danger is higher but loot is richer.
no changelog here yet