RFTools (Legacy)
Blocks and items to help with Redflux (dimension builder, crafter, monitor, scanner, etc.)
RFTools (Legacy) has been archived. RFTools (Legacy) will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
- Ported the builder with almost all functionality from 1.7.10 to 1.8.9. The only thing not working is rotation. Normal move/swap/copy/quarry/void/build should all work.
- Added a new powercell. This is both an energy storage solution as well as a way to 'teleport' RF power to other locations (with a small cost associated to that).
- You can configure the sides of the powercell to be 'none', 'input', or 'output' (right click with wrench or set all sides at once with the GUI).
- A powercell can be used locally (without inserting a powercard). In that case it just stores up to 500000 RF locally.
- If you use a powercard then as soon as you insert it into the powercell the card will get a new unique ID. You can then put other cards into the right slot of the powercell GUI to copy that ID. If you then put those copies in other powercells they will share the same energy and form a multiblock. These other powercells don't have to connect. They don't even have to be in the same dimension (but read about the cost of doing that later). The total size of energy you can put in such a connected powercell grid is the number of cells multiplied with 500000.
- If you have a connected powercell and then remove the card then it will retain it's energy (the total energy divided by the amount of blocks that the grid had before) and the energy that is now local will be removed from the grid. If you then re-insert the card the block will be added to the grid again and the energy that was local will be added to the grid energy.
- Connected powercells have power transfer without cost. But as soon as the grid is disconnected in some way there will be a cost. This cost is calculated based on distance between connected subparts of the grid. For example, if you have 10 cells connected to each other and 1 cell a long distance away then extracting energy from that single block will be more costly then extracting energy from the 10 connected cells. The reason is that more power is stored in the 10 cells relative to the total amount so it can get to it faster if you extract it from there.
- By default the maximum distance is 10000 blocks (transfer between dimensions is also capped at that distance). Distances bigger then that will not cause a bigger cost. At this maximum distance the cost factor is 10% by default. That means that if you have a single power block in the overworld and a huge collection of cells in another dimension then you will pay close to 10% extra for energy that you extract (it is not exactly 10% since the cell you have locally brings the cost down slightly).
- Transfering powers over great distances works better in dimensions that are powered by RF. For that reason it is more efficient to have powercells in RFTools dimensions. If you transfer power from an RFTools dimension to the overworld the cost is half. If you transfer power between RFTools dimensions then the cost is only 25%.
- Infusing a cell will further reduce the cost of transfering energy up to 50% (for a 100% infused cell). This infusion process has to be done on the cell from which you are extracting energy. The infusion levels of the other cells doesn't matter.
- By default a powercell can output 5000 RF/tick per side (configurable). Infusing the cell to 100% will raise that to 7500 RF/tick.
- Note about efficiency: a big multiblock with powercells spanning lots of dimensions and having hundreds of cells will keep on working even if most of those cells are not chunkloaded. You even have access to all the power in the grid without having the need to chunkload every part of the multiblock. Of course unloaded powercells cannot get new power themselves but they can get new power through other cells that are loaded.
rftools-1.8.9-4.21beta15.jar(1.27 MiB) Primary
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