Main features: Slaying and Catching Skill, new Villagers, changes in Gardener's Pot and Fishing Net work, Fishing Luck.
- Slaying Skill. It is increasing for killing mobs. The number of skill points you get is equal to the amount of mob's maximal HP divided by 20. Slaying Skill allows you to use Emblems.
- Catching Skill. Allows you to catch bait bugs with the Bug Net.
- Drinks for the Slaying Skill Boost: Squire's Flask, Soldier's Flask, Warrior's Flask, Killer's Flask, Bounty Hunter's Flask, Godslayer's Flask.
- Catching Skill Boost Drinks: Childish Flask, Kidding Flask, Playful Flask, Frivolous Flask, Dreamer's Flask, Fantasy Flask.
- Catching Skill Stones. Appear in the Overworld, Nether, Lands of Karvat, and Kingdom of Amber.
- Slaying Skill Stones. Appear in all worlds.
- Pyronzite Warrior Armor. Gives Fire Resistance and Resistance.
- Basalt Palm, a new type of tree in Volcanech and blocks made from it.
- Explosive and Sulfur Barrel. Can be both blocks and throwing weapons. Can be set on fire as dynamite. The barrels will explode instantly.
- Flecheresha Eternal Dawn, Ekatebrina, Luciden and Noxifer.
- New villager professions: Necromancer, Arctic Villager and Gardener.
- Necromancer buys various drops from mobs and sells pumpkin items. At the last level, sells Halloween Spirit.
- Arctic Villger sells various things related to the Ice Tower, Cold and Ice Shards and Ekatebrina's Core at the last level.
- Gardener sells various items for the Growing Skill and buys grown plants.
- New section in the Journal/Notice Board with statistics of bosses kills.
- Skulk Pills. Removes the effect of Darkness.
- Bubblefish. A new fish that restores oxygen underwater when eaten.
- Glowing Candle. A Candle analog painted with Glowing Dye.
- Structures with Infern, Butcher and Smelter Spawners in Nether.
- Karvat Ruins. New decorative structures.
- Eden Dark Island. An island where more mobs can spawn, as there are no glowing plants there.
- Basalt Fiber and Reinforced Basalt Fiber.
- Charged Fotium Ingot. Crafted from 8 Fotium Ingots and 1 Crystal of Eternity.
- Tinted Glass Panel.
- Achievement for passing Flecheresha trial.
- Craft of Purple Dye when smelting Glowlichen.
- All types of Volcanech stones can be generated as ore in Volcanech.
- Textures: Dark Runic Stone, Cash Machine, Truadamantite Tools, Basalt Ingot, Ravrite Queen, Kraken Bait, Trading Core, Ageagoria, Throwing Barrel, Miguel, Aeter, Flight Effect, Growing Skill.
- Crafts: Ancienzyte Armor, Raccoon Wool Blocks, Supernova Emblem, Nether Fishing Net.
- Black Books now add skill points, rather than adding level and nullifing points.
- Emblems now require a Slaying Skill level.
- Changed how Gardener's Pots work.
- Plants now require more than 5 fertilizer and liquid to grow in place of 50.
- Fertilizer and liquid can be poured without the plant on top.
- Changed how Fishing Net work.
- The drop of rare fish now depends on the level of the Fishing Luck Bait.
- Any bait can now be used on Nether Fishing Net.
- Chance of drop of Swordfish has been increased to 18%
- Bait no longer drops from the Fishing Box.
- Chthonic, Chthonic Orichalcum, and Great Unahzaal Armor are now repaired with Charged Fotium instead of Crystal of Eternity.
- Flechesha Arei Spirit now spawns Arei Fairies.
- Full Cold and Ice Crystals now fall from Ekatebrina, in place of their shards.
- A Cold Overseer now drops a Cold Shard if killed by another Cold Overseer.
- Mystic Essence and Mystic Flames now drops from Unahzaal.
- Aqua Emblem now drops from the Infected Kraken.
- Traveler Emblem now drops from Khogachi.
- Fear Skill is now grayed out unless Eternal Darkness Mode is activated.
- Eternal Town has been slightly rebuilt.
- Unahzaal Decorative Bookshelf can be used as a vanilla Bookshelf.
- Moths can be breeded by Geobstractsite Bushes and Tubes.
- Amber Blocks from the Kogachi Nest have been removed.
- Description of Hyacinthum Panacea.
- Bronze Coins now burn in lava.
- Increased the spawn rate of Armored Beetles.
- Reduced the number of dungeons in the Overworld.
- Beds, Wool, and Carpets of any color can now be repainted with Glowing Dye.
- Starlight Bugs were not working on the Fishing Net.
- Ruby Buddy was not being summoned.
- Unahzaal was not casting an effect.
- Many of Unahzaal's dialog phrases were missing the first line.
- Unahzaal's dialogue phrases had the wrong colors for the phrase "You: No!"
- Eternity Crystals were not being generated in Unahzaal world.
- Slowed down the Cutting Abstract projectile, as it was causing the game to freeze.
- Misspelled the word "quadrillionth" in Unahzaal's phrase.
- Grave phrase was not working.
- Gathering of the Small Ancient Chorus didn't work if you broke it.
- Elemental Stone now always protects from Radiation.
- Error in the description of Digging Box.
- Luciden did not disappear when Eternal Darkness Mode was turned off.
- Killing Noxifer gave Luciden kill points, as well as Luciden Adventurer and Heroic Banner.
- The Flower Zombie model was flashing.
- The Cold Overseer model's head was not displaying correctly.
- Heveline was not picking up flowers in the Ambulance Quest.
- Mistake in the name of the Fotium Block.
- Some spawners in the Ice Tower were not working.
- Crafting of the Traveler Emblem and Raccoon Flag.
Eternal Tales [Warrior Update] [v1.6.9 - 1.19.4].jar(76.65 MiB) Primary
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