Teleport Commands 
A Minecraft server-side mod that adds various teleportation related commands, like /home /tpa and /back
Here is the Changelog
Currently available commands:
/worldspawn [<Disable Safety>]
- Teleports you to the world spawn (in the overworld), if given true it will not do safety checks/back [<Disable Safety>]
- Teleports you to the location where you last died, if given true it will not do safety checks
Homes are player specific locations that only that player can teleport to/sethome <name>
- Creates a new home/home [<name>]
- Teleports you to the home, if no name is giving it will go to the default home/delhome <name>
- Deletes a home/renamehome <name> <newName>
- Renames a home/homes
- Shows a list of your homes/defaulthome <name>
- Sets the default home
Warps are op managed locations that all players can teleport to/warp <name>
- Teleports you to the warp/warps
- Shows a list of the available warp/setwarp <name>
- Sets a warp. Permission level of 4 required (op)/delwarp <name>
- Deletes a warp. Permission level of 4 required (op)/renamewarp <name> <newName>
- Renames a warp. Permission level of 4 required (op)
With tpa you can teleport to other players or make them teleport to you/tpa <player>
- Sends a tpa request to another player/tpahere <player>
- Sends a tpaHere request to another player/tpaaccept <player>
- Accepts the tpa/tpahere request of that player/tpadeny <player>
- Denies the tpa/tpaHere request of that player
Planned commands:
- Teleports you to a random location in the Overworld/spawn <dimension>
- Teleports you to your spawnpoint in a dimension, defaults to your current dimension
- Look into changing the mod into the more safe and sane kotlin (I love java)
- Find a way to combine the mod loader specific jars into one
- Find the easiest way to backport the mod to older version (help)
- Create a config to add any delays and disable commands, with commands for operators in game
- Add a perm system
Feel free to include this mod in your modpack :D!
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Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
Licensed MIT
Published 10 months ago
Updated 2 months ago