Crab-idy Claw-bidy
Data and Resourcepack that adds the Lost Crab as a Plushie and its Working Claw
Removed Crab Claw from loot-table
Removed Crab Claw Ability
Added Crab Claw Recipe
Crafting of eather Crab Claw or Plushie now uses Component Crafting
I've removed the crab claw from the Warm Ocean Ruin loot table and added a crafting recipe for now because I don't know how the new system works, for the same reason I've removed the crab claw feature for now, if you still want it, use this command
/give @p minecraft:armadillo_scute[minecraft:custom_model_data=1450001,attribute_modifiers={modifiers:[{type:'minecraft:player.block_interaction_range',uuid:[1,2,3,4],name:'Crab Claw',amount:3.0,operation:add_value,slot:"offhand",show_in_tooltip:"false"}]},custom_name='{"text": "Crab Claw", "color": "white", "italic":false}']
as soon as i get more familiar with the NBT -> Component changes i will add different variants of the Crab Claw and these will either be findable only and/or upgradable with stronger items (e.g. Netherite ingot to give the Crabclaw netherite attributes and better stats +1 block range e.g.).
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March 7, 2024 at 2:08 AMPublisher
